A My Little Pony E3 Would Have Been a Fine E3 Indeed
Posted by Kotaku Jun 11 2012 20:00 GMT in Gaming News
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#mylittlepony You know what was missing from E3 2012? The same thing that's been missing from E3 for the past couple of years: My Little Pony. YouTuber LeFrenchBrony envisions an E3 where Reggie Fils-Amie took the stage at Nintendo's E3 presser and was met by the deafening sound of thousands of stomping hooves. More »


remove kotaku
Reply by Slim Jun 11 2012 20:54 GMT

Destroy this.  Now.

Reply by Grievous Jun 11 2012 23:39 GMT

I cookied just to spite everyone.



...Fighting is Magic still looks damn sexy, though.

Reply by Maiq the Liar Jun 12 2012 00:35 GMT

Oh look, the comments section is full of Copypasta.  How original.

Reply by Grievous Jun 12 2012 01:57 GMT
10/10 would be rustled again
Reply by Fallen Shade Jun 12 2012 02:40 GMT
fighting is magic looks like the worst of the bunch, honestly
shit ain't gonna work
Reply by Viddd Jun 12 2012 06:06 GMT
That's funny because all of those games are nowhere near the quality of what was actually shown at E3. If there was actually a My Little Pony video game it would be 3rd party shovelware that you find at Walmart for 20 dollars and it wouldn't be announced at E3 with all the other better games.
Bronies are so stupid.
Reply by Nastasia Jun 12 2012 07:57 GMT

Kotaku is terrible.

Reply by TooManyToasters Jun 13 2012 13:23 GMT
Good job, Kotaku!
Reply by Tails Doll Jun 13 2012 14:42 GMT
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