May NPD reactions: 160 thousand 360s sold, Sony sees 'strong results' from PS3 exclusives

According to the NPD Group, via Microsoft, the Xbox 360 sold 160,000 units during the month of May, which represents "a 45 percent share of current-generation console sales" in the United States. This makes May the fifteenth consecutive month where the 360 claimed ownership over 40 (or more) percent of stateside console sales, and its seventeenth month as the best-selling console in America, according to a statement at The Official Microsoft Blog.
When looking at all Xbox 360-related hardware, software and accessories sales for May, the nation spent $209 million on the platform; more than the combined amount spent on "the other two current-generation consoles" over the same period. Save for Diablo 3, nine of the ten best-selling titles during May were available for Microsoft's baby, which probably had something to do with it.
Those same nine games were also available on Sony's PlayStation 3, though the Japanese hardware giant has refrained from releasing specific hardware sales information for the period. It did say, however, that PS3-exclusive titles like Starhawk and MLB 12: The Show "again posted strong results," though what "strong" means in numerical terms is anyone's guess. Neither title was featured on NPD's combined platform top ten sales list for the month of May. Sony's complete statement can be found after the break.
Joystiq has contacted Nintendo for comments regarding May's NPD results, but has yet to hear back at the time of publishing.
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