Super Street Fighter IV introduces Dee Jay, Capcom not ruling out arcade release
Posted by Joystiq Oct 01 2009 22:00 GMT in Super Street Fighter IV
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T. Hawk and Juri managed to bogart most of the spotlight of Super Street Fighter IV's reveal, but there's a third character crashing the party now: Dee Jay. The Jamaican with a taste for tunes (and kicking you in the face!) returns and takes up a healthy amount of real estate in the new trailer above. The video isn't the only update on the Super Street Fighter IV front, as the game's official blog (translation) mentions Capcom is considering an arcade update. Producer Natsuki Aizawa says while Capcom is looking at the PS3 and Xbox 360 as the main platforms for the expansion, there's still "a chance" it'll come to arcades. "One thing I absolutely want to get across is, we most definitely haven't given up on the arcade Street Fighter IV," she says. We're sure that matters to most Japanese gamers. As for America, we all know arcades are more elusive than the Great Sasquatch. Source - New trailer Source - Capcom says arcade release of SSFIV a possibility [Via Andriasang]

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