Bravely Default: Flying Fairy - tons of battle and job details, another demo on the way
Posted by GoNintendo Jun 28 2012 09:37 GMT in Bravely Default
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- battle system similar to Final Fantasy III
- includes "brave" and "default" commands
- use "default" and Tiz will skip his turn to stock one BP
- choose "brave" to use up one BP and get an extra turn for each BP you have
- hold up a maximum of three BP and unleash four attacks (your regular turn + 3 BP turns) in a row
- you can dip into *negative* BP
- you can take four turns in a row as your first move
- if you defeat the enemy, all is fine
- if any enemies remain after your fourth turn, you have to wait 3 turns to attack again
- you can have Tiz use four attacks in a row, but only have Edea use her regular turn
- if this doesn't destroy all enemies, Tiz will be frozen, but you can still call Edea
- game rewards players who complete battles in one turn with a bonus
- another bonus for finishing a fight without taking damage
- job system includes knight, monk, white mage or black mage
- make your job decision, then Ominous Crow summons a pack of wolves to attack
- white mage spells include cure and poisona
- black mage elemental spells include fire, blizzard, and thunder
- finish this battle quickly to receive potions, experience points and job point
– Ominous Crow sends out a second wave of enemies inlcude two wolves, two goblins, and a sword goblin
- monsters also use the brave & default system
- in the third battle, Ominous Crow makes a group of three zombies appear
- zombies can attack with poisonous claws
- zombies are weak against fire
- Ominous Crow then threatens to call out Bahamut, but instead jumps into the fight himself
- Ominous sometimes attacks with 4 spells in a row
- the knight is a damage absorber and can use a smite skill to attack plus give him or her a defense boost
- Monks have a charge up skill that increases their attack, but it can backfire resulting in damage
- 4th demo on the way

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