The Amazing Spider-Man: The Kotaku Review
Posted by Kotaku Jun 29 2012 15:30 GMT in The Amazing Spider-Man
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#review There probably hasn't ever been a superhero who hasn't gone through the cycle of losing his/her powers, getting them back and becoming more powerful than ever. It's been the same for video game series devoted to costumed crimefighters. With Rocksteady Studios' Arkham Asylum and Arkham City, Batman's currently enjoying the best titles ever made in his image after years of terrible, thrown-together efforts. Meanwhile, it's been a transitional time for the Dark Knight's rival from Marvel Comics. The undisputed high point for the Web-Slinger's game appearances was Spider-Man 2: The Movie, a game that gave players a open-world Manhattan to swing through and fight crime in. Amazing Spider-Man revives some of the joys of that PS2 classic but also stumbles in how it tries to modernize the open-word superhero formula. More »

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