Steam Greenlight lets you pick which games end up on Steam
Posted by Joystiq Jul 09 2012 21:13 GMT in Steam
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Valve has unveiled Steam Greenlight, a community hub for finding, discussing and getting new games published on Steam, crowdsource style, set to launch at the end of August.

"For many stores, there is a team that reviews entries and decides what gets past the gates," Valve writes. "We're approaching this from a different angle: The community should be deciding what gets released. After all, it's the community that will ultimately be the ones deciding which release they spend their money on."

Steam Greenlight will allow developers to post their games, whether in concept or playable stages, and receive direct feedback from the community. Potential players will be able to vote for games they'd like to see launch on Steam. Games won't be published according to any specific number of votes, but rather to "relative interest" compared with other games on Greenlight.

"We are most interested in finding the games that people want, not requiring them to always hit a specific number of votes," Valve says.

Games must at least run on a Windows PC, but can of course be developed for other platforms simultaneously. Interested developers need a "valid and non-limited Steam account (yes, that means you'll need to own a game on Steam)," and to fill out a submission form including at least one video, four screenshots, and a written description including expected system requirements.

Indies, welcome home.

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