One Console To Rule Them All
Posted by Kotaku Jul 11 2012 23:20 GMT in Wii U
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#speakuponkotaku In today's slightly late (sorry!) edition of Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter Gusi A. Rincon puts forth the idea for a unified console. Forget the console wars! If the big console makers would all just declare peace, everyone would benefit. More »


this is retarded and doesnt make sense console sales wouldnt be of a great benefit to any company they'd all lose money what were they thinking
Reply by weedlord bonerhitler Jul 12 2012 06:35 GMT
kotakuy idiots thinking over worked shitty fanboy ideas are news
I don't see whats so unusual about this
Reply by Super-Claus Jul 13 2012 01:42 GMT
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