Check Out the Largest Map in Battlefield History
Posted by Kotaku Jul 19 2012 13:27 GMT in Battlefield 3
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#battlefield In September Battlefield 3's next expansion, Armored Kill, brings five new vehicles, a tank superiority game mode and the sweeping sands of the Bandar Desert, the largest map in the history of the franchise. Let's take a look! More »

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Do you hear it? DO you hear it on the wind flowing from the distant hills? It's the sound on no one caring.
Reply by Super-Claus Jul 19 2012 17:18 GMT
i care, deeply
Reply by Francis Jul 19 2012 17:31 GMT
i care too. battlefield is a good fps.
Reply by darkz Jul 19 2012 20:45 GMT
i care
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Reply by weedlord bonerhitler Jul 24 2012 05:49 GMT
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