How do you like your wings?
Posted by Lord Crump Oct 04 2009 23:13 GMT in The Dump
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Mild? Medium? Hot? Extra hot? I usually get them hot, but not extremely hot. Like, I want them to have a certain "kick," but I want them to remain enjoyable, as well. I usually experiment with them by dipping them in other sauces, as well; I enjoy the Mango Habanero, Honey Barbecue and Parmesean Garlic sauces that Buffalo Wild Wings offers, for example.


There is a place I go to that does them "Pennsylvania" style. It isn't sauce, but they use a mix of spice that in large quantities can scar your fukcing toungue. Once I couldn't eat hot food for like a week.
Reply by Popple Oct 04 2009 23:19 GMT
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