ArenaNet On Guild Wars 2… As A Platformer
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jul 27 2012 12:00 GMT in Guild Wars 2
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Guild Wars 2 is quite well-liked in our fabulously attractive (have you seen our brand new sexy, sexy hotbar?) corner of the Internet. Richard alone has written 427 trillion words on the subject of ArenaNet’s fantastic-looking fantasy sequel, and he’ll soon be embarking on a hot air balloon journey to see how many times they can wrap around the surface of the Earth. So when I went to a recent Guild Wars 2 showcase in my neck of the woods, I wasn’t too terribly surprised when I got an eye-full of content we’d already covered. So I did what any sensible person would in my situation: grilled game designer Mike Zadorojny about jumping puzzles in a swords ‘n’ sorcery MMORPG.


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