Bravely Default: Flying Fairy - 4th demo details
Posted by GoNintendo Aug 02 2012 03:45 GMT in Bravely Default
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- explore a cave filled with monsters
- includes giant beetles and conjurers with owl heads
- Red Mages look like flamenco dancers with frilly shirts accessorized with roses
- Mystic Knights have an Arabian style
- Superstars dress like Elvis Presley impersonators
- if you make Edea a Superstar she gets a bunny costume
- the Superstar is essentially a souped up bard
- Superstar class starts off with a song that restores one BP (brave point) for an ally
- you can "pass" your turn to another attacker who went over the limit and used all of their Brave
- Superstars fight with swords instead of harps
- they can dual wield too
- level up to learn a tune that boosts the entire party’s defense
- also learn Power of Life, a melody that boosts attack
- they have the ability to cut MP cost in half
- the Red Mage has the ability to use white and black magic
- equip a command ability so you can have a Knight that can cast white magic or a Thief that can sing
- you can have three support ability points to select skills like Aspil Sword, which makes your standard attack deal less damage, but absorbs MP
- learn that skill from the Mystic Knight class
- Mystic Knights can enchant their weapons with spells
- this allows you to hit enemies with fira, blizzara or negative status spells like fear with each attack
- when you start with a Mystic Knight, you can only use level two sword magic – poison, silence, and sleepel.
- they also have an innate skill to increase magic damage
- Red Mage has revenge as their class ability, which awards them 1 BP if an enemy strikes them
- Knight has cover which automatically protects allies on low HP
- Freelancer has "Late Bloomer", an ability that increases your character’s strength depending on how many jobs you mastered
- Freelancer can learn an ability to restore an ally’s HP, scan (let’s you see an enemy’s HP and weaknesses), endure (you may survive a fatal attack with 1 HP), and an ability to boost the encounter rate
- the game has a lot of random battles
- possible to finish most fights in 10 seconds
- the Land Turtle blocks you from moving forward
- Knights are a tank class with Chivalry skills that let you ignore an enemy’s defense when you use a physical attack
- they also have support abilities that allow you to equip a sword in both hands or a shield in both hands
- you can double your physical attack strength with the "Both Hands" ability
- dual wielding seems equally as effective
- Superstar can use Overlimit (boosts magic attack damage if your BP is less than 0), Fire Wall (a chance you’ll counterattack with a fire spell), and Aspil Sword

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