Nuclear Dawn Update Released
Posted by Valve Aug 02 2012 16:54 GMT in Nuclear Dawn
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- Play Now now takes into account servers that friends are playing on.
- Voice speaking display is now more visible in commander view.

Bug fixes
- Fixed ranks 61-64 using rank 60 icon.
- Fixed a rare case where R.E.D.s could not be detonated.
- Fixed RED/grenade viewmodel still showing empty after going from none to some ammo at supply station or ammopack.
- Fixed supply station health count going down when hyposprayed players are near it (not actually using health).
- Fixed being able to spam ammo and health kits with secondary fire.
- Fixed commander Lost Signal when reentering commander view after leaving it with signal lost.
- Fixed a rare client crash that could sometimes occur when selection a bunker that had an assembler building.
- Fixed some issues with server browser column headers.
- Fixed resource point untouch inconsistency across maps. Tertiary and Secondary points all now slowly, rather than instantly lose capture when untouched.
- Fixed resource points sometimes showing as completely captured when not captured at all.
- Fixed round_start not being written to game log.
- Fixed console spam when equipping Grenade Launcher with Clip Compressor II gizmo active.
- Fixed resource count being printed as "1,0" when count was exactly 1,000.
- Fixed some Russian localization issues.

- Added new nd_logic_custom ent to expose more things to mappers, allowing for more custom game modes (see Hammer for details).
- Added support for adding rocket turrets.
- Added new team-color map ping types.
- Various fgd fixes and updates.
- Fixed Consortium armory model in Hammer.


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