Nuclear Dawn Message Board

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Posted by Valve Feb 13 2013 19:40 GMT
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Nuclear Dawn update 6.9.3
- Fixed compass directions on Coast.
- Fixed crash or hang on startup when subscribed to Workshop maps that become unavailable (removed, hidden by author).
- Fixed exploit that could allow commanders to become invulnerable.
- Fixed a case where explosion damage could travel through structures.
- Unlocked mat_hdr_level convar for mappers generating cubemaps.

Posted by Valve Jan 25 2013 12:25 GMT
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Nuclear Dawn update 6.9.2
- Added new contest winner map, Coast!
- Fixed grenade and R.E.D. damage going through some solids after update 6.9.
- Fixed Deep Blue achievement not tracking.
- Fixed Iron sight viewmodel disappearing when switching to and away from Weapon Stabilizer gizmo.
- Fixed weapon selection not closing when Support uses class special key to change weapon.
- Fixed crash when importing more than one spray image in the game Options.
- Fixed text on some commander action tooltips getting cut off when moving between action buttons.
- Fixed file corruption issues with dedicated server Workshop download support.
- Updated linux srcds_run script to use anonymous login for SteamCMD when updating.
- Fixed various recent crash issues with some of the Authoring Tools.
- Updated in-game and Authoring Tools Wiki links.


Posted by Valve Jan 07 2013 15:25 GMT
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Nuclear Dawn update 6.9.1

- Fixed issue causing all players to be one rank higher than they should be.
- Fixed Advanced Kits not being selectable in UI when only unlocked via player upgrades.
- Player upgrades panel now caps available points displayed at number of upgrades available.
- Fixed some player upgrades triggering others to unlock.
- Added missing files causing player upgrade notification to not display.
- Severely reduced delay in round xp updates.
- Fixed Hammer startup issue.


Posted by Valve Dec 20 2012 19:26 GMT
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Nuclear Dawn update 6.9

Added new player upgrades system utilizing round experience points to unlock upgrades.
This allows players to individually get early access to their choice of upgrades, such as advanced kits or parts of Infantry Boost without having to wait for commander to globally unlock.

Other Enhancements
- Added game controller support for game menus and in-game team/class menu.
- Reworked server browser panel based on player feedback, now able to show more information.
- Added positional audio support for Mumble clients.

- Fixed second control stick on game controllers not being able to look up/down.
- Fixed Mac issue causing text in many places to be cut off too soon.
- Fixed a client startup crash occurring on some Macs.
- Fixed a server crash involving R.E.Ds exploding in an area with enemy R.E.Ds.
- Fixed numerous display and number formatting issues on Career page for players with no xp.
- Fixed player spray preview image being too large or getting cropped.
- Fixed server browser server context menu being stuck on after right-clicking a server.
- Fixed a rare client crash involving the commander action grid.

Community requests and mod support
- Added support for custom maps changing the default rotation for commander camera.
- Added support for servers to download and update maps from Steam Workshop.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Dec 11 2012 09:00 GMT
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For all its potential for mechanical variation, the Metroidvania is an oddly static form. I mean, we get these sprawling, multi-mansion maps, yet it’s always the same formula: start off essentially naked (or in Hell Yeah‘s case, literally naked), find item X, get past door Y, etc. There’s some exploration, sure, but the good stuff’s always gated by unflinching steel progress walls. InterWave, meanwhile, doesn’t even want people to refer to Dark Matter as a Metroidvania – possibly for that very reason. So instead, the Nuclear Dawn creator’s billing its second project as a “side-scrolling exploration and combat game” with a focus on survival-horror, AI, adventure game elements, and crafting – among other genre-benders.


Posted by Valve Nov 09 2012 19:02 GMT
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Nuclear Dawn 6.8a

- Added server cvar nd_skirmish_advkits to control whether or not Advanced Kits are enabled in Skirmish, default on.
- Updated loading screen text for Skirmish maps.
- Fixed spawn times getting hidden increase for each teammate killed while dead.
- Fixed loadout changes not pausing spawn timer.

Other fixes
- Added in-game browser fallback for functionality that requires showing a webpage when Steam Overlay is disabled.

Metro (Skirmish)
- Relocated some spawnpoints to avoid players getting stuck in t-pose.
- Added more spawnpoints for both factions.
- Updated sdk_content sources for sk_metro and added missing instances.

Posted by Valve Nov 08 2012 21:51 GMT
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Nuclear Dawn 6.8

- Added new Skirmish team deathmatch game mode.
- Added new Skirmish map sk_metro.

- Added nd_skirmish_limit convar for Skirmish team kill limit. 0 to disable and use only mp_roundtime.
- Added support to execute a cfg/gamemode_skirmish.cfg or cfg/gamemode_warfare.cfg at map start if existing.
- Added support to execute cfg/.cfg at map start if existing after mode cfg.
- Skirmish mode uses same mp_timelimit, mp_winlimit, mp_maxrounds, and mp_roundtime variables as Warfare.

Other fixes
- Fixed spawning-related glitches that could occur if pressing spawn button multiple times.
- Fixed issues where server tags displayed improperly in server browser for some servers.
- Fixed average rank in server browser not always adjusting after a player leaves.
- Fixed an exploit that could allow a commander to use actions on enemy structures.
- Fixed a server crash related to bots.
- Updated localizations.

Workshop and custom content
- Skirmish maps are now accepted.
- Added sk_metro map source to sdk_content.
- Updated hammer fgd file with new skirmish and spawn point entities.
- Skirmish maps do not require rts camera info in map script.
- Skirmish maps do require spawn points for both Consortium and Empire are required.
- Skirmish maps may not have resource points. Structures will not spawn on skirmish maps.
- Map overview script is now marked as required for all maps.
- BSPZIP now auto-corrects slashes for internal paths when adding files to avoid confusion.
- Added -deletefile option to BSPZIP to remove files from bsp.
- Added support for bots in custom maps without structures or resource points.
- Fixed client crash when loading custom map having description but no title.
- Fixed map loading background not being shown if vtf file was named differently than vmt file.

Posted by Valve Oct 25 2012 20:52 GMT
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Nuclear Dawn update 6.7

- Added support for Steam Workshop for sharing custom maps.
- Added average player rank to server browser and Play Now server calculation.
- Sprays and kit/gizmo preferences now sync with Steam Cloud.
- Improved alt-tab handling under Windows Vista and Windows 7.
- Added community-contributed kill icon updates.

Other fixes
- Fixed occasional 'stuck' bug after spawning.
- Fixed ammo counter on daisy cutter for CT Assault & Support and Empire Support.
- Fixed ammo counter on CT Stealth.
- Fixed an issue where chat would not show to commanders until they clicked the chat box.
- Fixed crash on game launch if squad talk key is pressed during start.
- Fixed glitch where research-restricted kit could show as selected even if unusable.
- Fixed squad chat not working if mega menu was open.
- Fixed exploit allowing research/structure pre-reqs bypass for building.
- Fixed a con_logfile ConVar exploit.
- Fixed an issue with localization of disconnect messages.
- Fixed an issue with bullet particle effect on some weapons.
- Fixed command bunkers decloaking own team's Stealths.
- Fixed another joinclass command crash exploit.
- Fixed console error when reloading shotgun.
- Fixed some intermittent client and server crashes, including crashes related to multi-core rendering being enabled.

Community requests and mod support
- Added Sketchup Tools to ND Authoring Tools.
- Added a Reset input to resource point entities for map scripting.
- Changed Warfare win condition to All bunkers eliminated instead of one bunker eliminated by request for custom maps.
- Unlocked sv_gravity and cl_show_self_hypospray_effect ConVars by user request.
- Fixed further issues with load order between disk files, map files, and vpk files.
- Fixed bspzip'd map backgrounds and map scripts to be read correctly.
- Fixed vpk.exe always implying -M and -v options despite documentation.


Posted by Valve Oct 02 2012 19:44 GMT
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An update to Nuclear Dawn has been released.
- Added an option to disable automatic minimap rotation.
- Fixed flamethrower hurting self when friendly fire enabled since last update.
- Fixed http downloads on Mac not sending an HTTP referer.
- Fixed a common server crash.
- Various other stability fixes.


Posted by Valve Sep 27 2012 17:01 GMT
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Nuclear Dawn update 6.6

Gameplay and Balance
- Slightly lowered NX300 damage output against players.
- Slightly raised Sonic Turrent damage output to balance with Flame Turret's extra fire damage.
- Lowered Machine Gun Turret cost to 2500.
- Commanders now get points for a critical assist if player-initiated artillery strike kills an enemy.
- Empire commander ability poison is now differently colored to distinguish between it and Consortium's.
- Commander poison ability now matches description and no longer hurts teammates unless friendly fire is enabled.
- Fixed NX300 not hurting teammates with friendly fire enabled.

- Updated Report a Bug link.
- Added invert mouse wheel zoom option to Options panel.
- Fixed bad password connect error box using lan server error text after a recent update.
- Fixed a bug that allowed malicious servers to execute restricted console commands on players.
- Fixed a bug that allowed malicious servers to prevent players from executing console commands.

- Added sv_allow_addon_override (default 0) to block client addon vpks from overriding game files.
- Added mp_winlimit cvar.
- Added sv_namechange_cooldown_seconds, to throttle clients from changing their name too rapidly. (Defaults to 20 seconds)
- Added check to prevent player names from containing color codes.
- setinfo console command will now reject attempts to set / change convars with any unusual characters
- Tweaked team balancer logic to be smarter about when and whom to move.
- Fixed some exploits where a malicious client could intentionally crash a server.
- Fixed typo in name of research_complete event; added research completion logging.
- Added rate limiting for connections and added the following convars, sv_max_connects_sec, sv_max_connects_window, sv_max_connects_sec_global.

- Fixed being able to use some weapons (mostly throwables) while on ladder or sprinting.
- Fixed in-chair commanders being unable to chat at round end.
- Fixed some issues with wall and barrier collision performance.
- Fixed a bug that allowed server browser network activity to continue after choosing a server.
- Fixed missing effect console error when reloading Avenger.
- Fixed sv_offline console error when going into Offline Practice mode.
- Marked mem_force_flush as a cheat to prevent client exploits.
- Fixed a packet injection exploit in the client/server streams.
- Updated localizations.

Mapping / Modding
- Added numerous functions to the vscript api (see
- Added OnResearchUnlockedConsortium and OnResearchUnlockedEmpire outputs to nd_logic_custom ent.
- Added OnConditionAdded and OnConditionRemoved outputs to player. See wiki for value meanings.

- Fixed commanders being able to deploy structures outside of the level in some areas.

- Fixed commanders being able to deploy structures in the parking garage.

- No longer in beta.
- Updated overview.
- Updated loading screen.


Posted by Valve Aug 02 2012 16:54 GMT
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- Play Now now takes into account servers that friends are playing on.
- Voice speaking display is now more visible in commander view.

Bug fixes
- Fixed ranks 61-64 using rank 60 icon.
- Fixed a rare case where R.E.D.s could not be detonated.
- Fixed RED/grenade viewmodel still showing empty after going from none to some ammo at supply station or ammopack.
- Fixed supply station health count going down when hyposprayed players are near it (not actually using health).
- Fixed being able to spam ammo and health kits with secondary fire.
- Fixed commander Lost Signal when reentering commander view after leaving it with signal lost.
- Fixed a rare client crash that could sometimes occur when selection a bunker that had an assembler building.
- Fixed some issues with server browser column headers.
- Fixed resource point untouch inconsistency across maps. Tertiary and Secondary points all now slowly, rather than instantly lose capture when untouched.
- Fixed resource points sometimes showing as completely captured when not captured at all.
- Fixed round_start not being written to game log.
- Fixed console spam when equipping Grenade Launcher with Clip Compressor II gizmo active.
- Fixed resource count being printed as "1,0" when count was exactly 1,000.
- Fixed some Russian localization issues.

- Added new nd_logic_custom ent to expose more things to mappers, allowing for more custom game modes (see Hammer for details).
- Added support for adding rocket turrets.
- Added new team-color map ping types.
- Various fgd fixes and updates.
- Fixed Consortium armory model in Hammer.


Posted by Valve Jul 19 2012 20:48 GMT
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- Commander building placement now remembers rotation used for last placed building when placing another.
- Customizations of radialmenu.txt will no longer be overwritten on updates.
- Added mapping support for nd_info_sonic_turret_ct.

- Fixed sniper no-rezoom-after-shot option only working on local servers.
- Fixed firstperson in-hand weapon model not displaying to Source TV viewers.
- Fixed choppiness when using noclip or spectator free cam mode.
- Fixed commander building placement sometimes unintentionally rotating buildings on click.

Server changes
- Updated srcds_run linux server script autoupdate to work with new steamcmd tool.


Posted by Valve Jul 12 2012 19:30 GMT
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Nuclear Dawn Update 6.5

New Content
- Added new map, Gate, one of the community mapping contest winners

- Added option to disable sniper auto-rezoom.
- Added sound to notify when a vote appears.
- Added community-contributed loading screen tips.

- Fixed gizmo effects sometimes taking a second spawn to apply.
- Fixed sorting in gizmo selection window to show the no gizmo option first.
- Fixed gizmo selection panel sometimes being stuck open.
- Fixed radar kit viewmodel not going invisible when stealthing.
- Fixed HTML server motd messages not displaying on Macs.
- Fixed Whats New update news screen not working on Macs.
- Fixed Mac http custom content downloads timing out when system is configured to use a proxy server.
- Fixed rank name for rank 58, Lieutenant General First Class.
- Fixed sound not playing for Destroy radio command.
- Fixed checkbox and radio button glyphs not displaying properly in some dialogs on Mac.
- Fixed Mac showing Half-Life 2 icon when running the game.
- Fixed numerous cases where a building hologram would get stuck on the build grid.
- Fixed issue with invalid build button grid and unbuildable builds when first selecting assembler, then selecting control group containing units that no longer exist.
- Fixed resource counter showing incorrect amount to spectators.
- Fixed no commander message always displaying to spectators even when spectated team had commander.
- Fixed issues with NX300 flame sometimes persisting too long in spectated view.
- Fixed a case where unpowered walls were not properly taking health decay.
- Fixed turret radius display being stuck on screen for commanders if leaving chair during first phase of build.
- Fixed radar kits disappearing on death.
- Fixed being able to move when armory class menu is open if scoreboard is also up.
- Fixed chaingun spinning sound persisting through reload.
- Fixed sniper overlay flash that would occur after shooting when using hold-to-zoom ironsight controls.
- Fixed bots sometimes getting stuck on Consortium transport gates.
- Fixed some cases where the scoreboard or MOTD panel could show over top of the map load screen.
- Fixed hitgroups being ignored on in-chair commander for headshot tracking and armor calculation.
- Fixed bloodspatter not showing on in-chair commander.
- Fixed rare client crash when switching weapon.
- Fixed U23 grenade kills showing and logging as from P12 grenade.
- Fixed area in Oilfield where players could get stuck behind tanker truck near Empire base.


Posted by Valve Jun 21 2012 16:05 GMT
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Balance changes
- Barriers and Walls now require and use a small amount of power.
- Barriers and Walls slowly decay when unpowered, down to 10% of their maximum health.
- Raised cost for Barriers and Walls.
- Walls now require Commander Abilities II research.
- Slightly lowered NX300 damage.

Other enhancements
- Updated Play menu for easier navigation to server browser.

Other fixes
- Fixed missing placement constraints on power relay structures.


Posted by Valve Jun 20 2012 19:46 GMT
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Nuclear Dawn Update 6.4 - June 2012:

New Features
- Added new structures, Barrier and Wall.
- Added ctrl-click for building to allow immediate placement of another instance of same structure.
- Added offline practice mode.

Other Enhancements
- Updated main menu to be cleaner and friendlier.
- Added text on hud to show the effective squad gizmo, if any.
- Improved crash handling/reporting.
- Improved bot logic.

Other Fixes
- Fixed nano skin particle sometimes getting stuck on.
- Fixed radar kit appear at stealth sniper's feet.
- Unit group selection keys are now disabled in commander spectate view.
- Commander can no longer build when signal is lost.
- Fixed round end display showing level 60 for any higher level.
- Fixed more cases where a building hologram could get stuck on commander's screen.
- Fixed multiple issues with custom content http downloads on Mac.
- Fixed a common server crash that would sometimes occur on map change.
- Fixed being able to teleport to EMP'd Transport Gates.
- Fixed some map loading screens showing team bases swapped.
- Fixed some map loading screens having doubled, ghosted text.
- Fixed Squad-only Voice Comm in Options binding to regular Voice Comm button.
- Fixed rank names not displaying for ranks higher than 60.
- Fixed being able to build structures in the ground when commander clipped with world geometry in most maps.
- Slightly reduced the artillery damage to players
- Slightly reduced the BBQ impact on players

- Fixed benches disappearing in the metro station
- Fixed a bunch of see through chairs due fade distance
- Fixed clip brush on shopping mall roof blocking the player

- Fixed floating props on tunnel ramp

Authoring Tools
- No longer "Beta".
- Added Metro map source to sdk_content.
- Updated wiki link in launcher, added forum link.


Posted by Valve May 18 2012 17:26 GMT
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Updates to Nuclear Dawn have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

Balance changes
- High level gizmos now affect Squad rather than Team.

- Fixed crash on startup with game controller plugged in.

Posted by Valve May 17 2012 23:04 GMT
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- Fixed crashing on Career screen for some high-rank users.
- Fixed loading screen layout when connecting to VAC-secured servers.
- Fixed "Lost Signal" display appearing in many cases when using Commander Spectate.
- Updated localizations.


Posted by Valve May 17 2012 18:00 GMT
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Nuclear Dawn Update 6.3
New Features
- Increased rank cap from 60 to 80. Rank is based on xp, so some players may already be higher than 60.
- Added new team-based gizmos for levels 65, 70, 75, and 80. Whole team gets effect of highest level one equipped by any player on team.
- Added all new loading screen to show map overview, server info, loading progress, and game tips.
- Added squad-only voice chat (default B).
- Added ability for commander to spectate a troop.
- Added support for player sprays (can disable serverside with "sv_allowsprays 0" or clientside on Options -> Other ).
- Added new particle effects for medpacks, ammo packs, radar kits, and players with Nano Skin active.
- Added beta support for Source TV ( most things from here apply, ).

Other enhancements
- Transport Gate teleport menu now auto-closed after teleporting (can be changed in Options -> Other)
- Scoreboard now shows above other hud elements.
- Added bots column to server browser.
- Added ach_headshot_progress client command to show detailed progress toward Headshot achievement.
- Added an error message (rather than silent failure) to show when server connection failed due to server being VAC-secured with insecure client.
- Removed cheat flag from server spawn time convars Tag with Play Now penalty will be applied if changed.
- Many engine stability fixes.
- Unlocked client viewmodel_fov convar.
- Updated localizations.

Balance Changes
- Added radarkit to Stealth Sniper kit.
- Adjusted damage dropoff factors for all weapons.
- Capped max resources at 250,000 to prevent issues when it gets too high.

Other Fixes
- Fixed rare occurence where player could be only half-spawned, unable to move.
- Fixed team selection panel showing at round start while spectating.
- Fixed issue where medpack would sometimes show clipping into view when spectating a Support player.
- Fixed some keys getting stuck in commander mode.
- Fixed "retry" client console command.
- Fixed rare grenade-related server crash.
- Fixed a rare listen server crash related to player stats.
- Fixed bots not showing in player counts on in-game status command and server queries.
- Fixed potential gizmo exploit.
- Cleaned up and fixed many console messages and errors.

- Fixed getting stuck at primary point.
- Fixed getting stuck on a corner of a building near the broken glass walkway.
- Fixed plants sticking through floor near CT base.

- Fixed getting stuck at primary point.
- Added additional no-build areas to avoid structure deployment inside buildings.

- Fixed able to deploy structures inside a pallet stack near Primary area.
- Fixed floating secondary point near EMP Base.
- Adjusted a few no-build areas.
- Removed the roof near the EMP base to make it easier to deploy structures.
- Adjusted secondary area near EMP to make more space for placing structures.
- Additional optimisation pass due the adjusted secondary area.
- Converted a physic prop to a multiplayer physic to improve performance.
- Fixed a few small issues throughout the map.

Known issues
- In-hand weapon model is not drawn in first-person spectate in Source TV.


Posted by Valve Apr 11 2012 15:43 GMT
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Enabled double XP weekend, up to rank 15 (Thursday through Sunday, starts and stops at 17:00 GMT).

Other changes
- Added option to reset rank and stats.
- Manually powering structures off can now only be done when they're fully on, and on when fully off.
- Added rate limit to hypospray scoring to prevent abuse.
- Class ability on medic now always jumps to medpack.
- Updated localizations.

- Fixed a client crash related to commanding and in-progress armories.
- Fixed mouse sensitivity being stuck lowered until respawn after ending exo lockdown while aiming to side.
- Fixed further issues with gizmo selections not applying correctly.
- Fixed in-armory change to current already-picked class only changing gizmo.
- Fixed gizmo not being reset on class change if Customize panel wasn't used.
- Fixed some cases where holographic placement structures could become "stuck".
- Fixed being able to accidentally spend money on same research twice with more than one armory selected.


Posted by Valve Apr 04 2012 20:01 GMT
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Balance changes
- Reworked ammo pack earned xp to not be based on actual ammo amount, unfairly weighting some weapons.
- Research in-progress when last armory is sold/destroyed is now lost without refund.
- Rebalanced Homewrecker and Siege Support gizmo effects.

Other enhancements
- Play Now is now a little quicker at finding servers.
- Added mention of backstab reticle change to Stealth tutorial.
- Updated localizations

- Fixed commander heal ability not healing.
- Fixed crash in Commander Intermediate tutorial.
- Fixed research not being recognized in Commander Advanced tutorial.
- Fixed compass not displaying properly on tutorial training map.
- Fixed a server and client crash relating to armory research.
- Fixed commander orders staying on team change.
- Fixed radar kit requiring line of sight to expose enemies.
- Fixed being able to damage own radar kits.
- Fixed radar structure still functioning without power.
- Fixed in-armory class changes not always changing gizmo.
- Fixed case where What's New panel would spew console errors when Steam site is down.
- Fixed some oddities with commander chat (some notifications not displaying).
- Fixed getting stuck near helicopter in Oilfield.


Posted by Valve Mar 30 2012 18:50 GMT
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Nuclear Dawn Update 6.2
New Features:
- Added new commander research items
- Player Boost I, II, and III
- Structure Boost I, II, and III
- Commander Abilities II and III
- Added support for giving default commander orders to whole team.
- Added support for squad-only chat (default I).
- Added new portable Radar Kit item for Support BBQ.
- Places on ground like ammo or health kit.
- After deployment, it extends radar range, uncovering units and structures in fow.
- Lasts after death, but can be destroyed by enemy (will disappear on class change).
- Added Play Now feature to allow quick joining into an optimal server, considering ping and player count.
- Added optional compass display to HUD.

Other enhancements
- Added Game Guide button to main menu.
- Added game instructor tip for transport gate teleporting.
- Players calling artillery strikes, rather than current commander, now get credit for kills.
- USE key can now be used anytime while inside of a transport gate, rather than needing to face it.
- Enabled server mp_unbalance_limit convar.
- Round end team swap notification is now more visible.
- Updated localizations.

Balance Changes
- Effects of armory research are now suspended if all of your team's armories are destroyed or sold (build another for all to reactivate).
- Transport gates can no longer be manually powered down to prevent griefing by commander.

All Maps
- Added/tweaked light glows and environment sun.
- Fixed several spots where the commander was able to build outside of the map.
- Improved guardtower collisions.

- Fixed getting stuck near the Consortium base.
- Fixed a few small issues throughout the map.

- Decreased HDR.
- Improved collision for the broken train.
- Fixed trains clipping through each other in the trainyard.

- Blocked ability to build structures on the ramp near the turbines.

- Fixed missing spot overlays
- Increased lightmapscales on some walls for higher quality shadows.
- Updated loading screen.

- Fixed not being able to climb on the ladder of the broken tanker truck.
- Improved bot nav mesh.

- Improved submarine bridge collision.

Other Fixes
- Fixed crash when changing certain video options.
- Fixed a case where commander would be unable to set a spawn location as default.
- Fixed thermal vision staying enabled when entering commander view.
- Fixed IP bans not applying to RCON access.
- Fixed case where armory research buttons could be mirrored on transport gate.
- Fixed players under hypospray effect getting healed by commander heal ability.
- Fixed REDs being undetonatable after ninth RED is placed.
- Fixed tutorial noting incorrect weapon slot key for sidearm.
- Fixed being able to use the command bunker console while in exo suit lockdown.
- Fixed possibility for teleport to send player to nearby enemy gate.
- Fixed issues with certain gizmos not functioning properly - Smooth Operator, Siege Specialist, Melee Specialist, Advanced Munitions.
- Fixed glitch on Career panel where gizmo tooltip could appear over top of Achievements or Extras tab.
- Fixed radar structure still functioning when powered down.
- Fixed being able to change class in powered down armory.
- Fixed being able to teleport from powered down tgates.
- Fixed always getting Playground Bullies achevement if clan set.
- Fixed Traitor achievement being unachievable.
- Fixed progress bars for Running Up and Charging In achievements being off by an order of magnitude.
- Fixed rare care where a player could spawn with partial hud and unable to move.
- Fixed viewpunch being applied to meleed teammates.
- Fixed round-end clan achievements not being awarded on enemy surrender.
- Fixed training graduate achievements not being granted - related achievements will be granted on load if you've completed the courses.
- Fixed Charging Up achievement using meters sprinted instead of meters ran.
- Fixed some achievement icons not displaying properly.

Posted by Valve Mar 08 2012 18:59 GMT
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Nuclear Dawn Update 6.1 (March, 2012):
New Features:
- Added support for setting clan/group association (options>other>clantag).
- Added new clan-based achievements: Ants, Locusts, Legion, Playground Bullies, Strength In Numbers, and Traitor.
- Added ability to teleport between your team's transport gates (use the USE key, default E on a gate).
- Added ability for commander to manually power down most structures to free up power for others.

Other enhancements
- "Enemy spotted" radio command now does short, red minimap blip on any enemies near pointing direction.
- Squad preference is now remembered across team and map changes.
- Join button on squads now becomes "Leave" for squad you are currently in.
- Touched up scoreboard to allow showing longer names and clan tags, as well as making commander more visible.
- Added scoring for ammo given via pack and hypospraying teammates.
- Enabled joystick/gamepad options in Mouse options (FPS only!).
- Made "No artillery in range" message more visible.
- Added new "Other" options tab to expose more configuration options (including game hints, steam cloud, server download filter, and more).
- Removed spectate tab from server browser until full Source TV support is available.

Balance Changes:
- Hypospray from supply station is now rate-limited similarly to grenades.
- Lowered ammo pack max carry to 2.
- Now only one ammo pack per player can be deployed at once, similar to med packs.
- Ammo packs from supply station are now rate-limited at a slightly less frequent rate than grenades.

Oilfield final:
- Renamed oilfield_beta to oilfield
- Added new overview map and loading screen
- Added 4 extra tertiary points
- Fixed plants sticking through container near ct base
- Fixed floating fueltruck and container
- Fixed small ladder issue on one of the fueltrucks
- Fixed small displacement issues

- Fixed and improved a wide range of prop collisions.
- Fixed right-click no longer working to cancel building of a structure.
- Fixed a case where the health hud indicator would get stuck at the top of the screen.
- Fixed client crash when connecting to a server with a misconfigured download url.
- Fixed explosive grenade types not counting toward Plenty To Go Around achievement.
- Fixed a rare case where players could spawn without weapons.
- Fixed issues with some weapons not tracking properly for Headshot achievement and added progress indiciator.
- Fixed in-bunker commander kills counting toward Golden Targets achievement.
- Fixed commander chat history being cut off by a character for full-width text.

Server changes:
- Server browser no longer adds tags for secure/insecure (use existing, separate filter for these).
- Added option to have teams swapped at round end (mp_roundend_teamswap).
- Added option to force players to auto-assign selves to teams (mp_force_autoassign, will tag server with forceautoassign).
- Improved and fixed portions of team balance logic.


Posted by Valve Feb 24 2012 15:40 GMT
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Nuclear Dawn Update 6.01:
Balance changes
* Each ammopack can now only supply each player up to one of each grenade type and one hypospray.
* EMP blasts now destroy nano skin effect on enemies.
* Hypospray / nano skin damage reduction lowered to 70%.
* Poison damage is no longer reduced by nano skin.
* Increased damage for all turret types.
* Reduced X01 effective range.

* Fixed server browser player count being incorrect if bots were in game.
* Fixed opposing team's default spawn showing in purple.
* Fixed missing structure health indicator on repair tool.
* Fixed some inconsistencies with nano skin duration bar, especially when hypospraying other players.
* Artillery radio calls are now rate-limited.
* Made icon above players with nano skin clearer.
* Class ability key now always goes to repair tool on Support Engineer, rather than cycling tools.
* Repair tool is now first, before ammo pack, when cycling tools as Support Engineer.


Posted by Valve Feb 23 2012 15:42 GMT
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Weapons and slots:

- Frag grenades now vaporize other thrown frag grenades in blast radius.
- Medpacks now have unlimited "ammo". (Still only one can be placed at a time, per person).
- Saboteur's REDs now use grenade slot.
- Added secondary weapon slot for sidearms. (Weapon slot binds will be reset to default).
- P900 is now enabled for players that have reached level 60.

Commanders may now set a default spawn area:

- Transport gates in default area will show in purple color on minimap.
- Default spawn area will show as purple on spawn point map.
- Manually changing spawn location for self will override default until a new default is set by commander.

Added ammopacks for Support Engineer:
- Engineer has a max of three ammopacks.
- Ammopacks follow same supply rules as supply station, but do not refill.
- Ammopacks do not supply more ammopacks
- Ammopacks disappear when depleted or after 45 seconds.

Added hypospray device for Support Medic:
- Hypospray has a max of two charges
- Hypospray can be used on a teammate or on self (alt-fire).
- Hypospray effect gives 15 seconds of 80% damage reduction to self.
- Units under the effect of hypospray cannot be healed.

Added artillery strike calls:
- Commanders may now enable artillery strike calls on artillery structures.
- Players may call own artillery strikes from radial menu.
- First in-range artillery that is enabled for calls and ready to fire will attack area designated by caller.

Other enhancements:

- Enabled attack notifications, health, and round timer in commander view.
- Added minimap blips for some player radio calls.

General Fixes:

- Fixed squad appearances not getting reset on team change.
- Player stats now get updated when map changes mid-round.
- Updated armblade crosshair to be more noticeable when in stab range.
- Fixed multiple issues with Around the Track achievement.
- Fixed Mac client crash when joining a server with custom files and sv_downloadurl enabled.
- Fixed an issue causing medpacks to not affect certain players.
- Fixed medpacks healing enemies.
- Fixed a case where turrets would not decloak a stealth unit.
- Fixed turrets continuing to fire at out-of-range enemies after locking on.
- Fixed heartbeat sound sometimes getting 'stuck' as well as some related performance issues.
- Fixed issues with heartbeat and bloodsplatter when spectating.
- Fixed an issue where players could spawn with advanced kits at round start.
- Fixed issues with Add Server to Favorites dialog box.
- Fixed scaling of MOTD window.
- Fixed being able to stack buildings by having multiple assemblers selected.

Server changes:

- Added oilfield_beta to default mapcycle and maplist.
- Removed mapcycle, motd, and motdtext from vpk files so that custom ones can be used more easily.
- Enabled mapcyclefile cvar.
- Added sv_allow_voice_from_file cvar to allow server owners to stop voice file spam.
- Servers with alltalk or friendlyfire enabled are now tagged in the server browser.
- Fixed medkit_heal event always have 0 for "ownerid" property.
- Added "weapon" property to structure_death event.
- Updated team balancer to be more likely to keep squads together.

Furthermore, Oilfield:

* Additional optimizing pass throughout the map
* Relocated watchtower at the Empire Secondary point, to avoid assembler sniping
* Added more cover around both faction areas, to avoid base sniping
* Fixed invisible wall near the broken airplane
* Fixed invisible wall blocking off the pipelines on the edge of the level
* Fixed props disappearing at the primary point in rts mode
* Fixed stairs to low in storage building
* Increased amount of resource points
* Fixed collision on the large oiltank
* Fixed airplane wheel collisions blocking player
* Fixed ladders not climeable on fueltrucks
* Added climeable ladders for the oil silos throughout the level
* Fixed able to fall between the two buildings and get stuck near the helicopter platform
* Fixed several small issues throughout the level
* Decreased lightmap scale for better shadow casting

* Fixed several texture overlapping issues
* Removed ladders from oil derricks in the playable level (separated model)


* Fixed missing brush in the corner near the Empire base
* Rebuild nav mesh for bots


* Fixed commander able to build in the primary pit
* Added a few extra no-build areas to avoid structures being deployed inside buildings.


* Changed default skybox to Tokyo
* Removed some L4d2 related parameters


* Improved Primary bunker collision model
* Improved collision for the small metal stairs in Hydro
* Fixed primary console collision models


Posted by Valve Feb 02 2012 20:50 GMT
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Client Changes
* Added teammate player names and class icons to commander view.
* Added player squad letter to name in both first-person and commander views.
* Added backstab indicator for armknives to aiming reticle.
* Added variable FOV slider to advanced video options (range 75 - 100, default 90).
* Added option to disable motion blur in advanced video options.
* Added alternate zoom method for commanders without scroll wheel (hold SHIFT + mouse up/down).
* Added ironsights toggle option in advanced keyboard settings (default on).
* Added crouch toggle option in advanced keyboard settings (default off).
* Decreased frequency of structure under attack sound
* Updated German and Russian localizations.

* Fixed career overview showing incorrect unlock level for class gizmos.
* Fixed spawn selection on minimap
* Fixed achievements being earned in training mode.
* Fixed Golden Targets achievement counting commanders in bunker instead of commanders outside of bunker.
* Fixed Team Domination, Around the Track, and Headshot achievements being impossible to achieve.
* Fixed servers not showing in Steam server browser.
* Outdated servers no longer show on Steam server list nor in-game.
* Fixed firstperson, thirdperson, and thirdpersonshoulder commands not functioning.
* Fixed Consortium commanders not getting credit for Sonic Turret kills.
* Increased required build area for Transport Gates to stop players from getting easily stuck upon spawn.
* Fixed thermal vision in armory exploit.
* Fixed class change for health exploit.
* Fixed Steam UpToDate web api not recognizing ND.
* Ported in some engine stability fixes from Left 4 Dead 2.
* Fixed some prediction issues with the Stealth's arm knives.
* Fixed using secondary attack button on knives not cancelling sprint.
* Fixed plugin menus being hidden by loadout menu.
* Fixed plugin menus ignoring input in commander view.

Server Downloads
* Fixed custom maps not downloading.
* Fixed all custom downloads not working without sv_downloadurl set.
* Enabled sv_allowdownload, sv_allowupload, and net_maxfilesize cvars.

Other Server Changes
* Added Motd support (use motd.txt or file specified by motdfile cvar).
* Server hibernation no longer enabled by default.
* Server hibernation setting can now be altered.
* Enhanced and cleaned up server logging.
* Added requested event properties for modders.

* Added Oilfield Beta.

* Redesigned Empire spawn area to make it less exposed
* Fixed able to hit assembler with m95 from Bath house roof


Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jan 06 2012 08:30 GMT
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The latest IndieRoyale bundle includes FPS/RTS hybrid Nuclear Dawn, side-scrolling platformer puzzler Max & The Magic Marker, beautiful puzzler Fractal, and also psychedelic shooter Super Crossfire, which is appearing on PC and Mac for the first time. Quite the selection! There’s also a chiptune bonus for paying more than the minimum. The bundle is available for the next four-and-a-bit days. As ever on IndieRoyale, it’s a PWYW, but there’s a minimum price which goes up as more people buy.

Posted by Valve Dec 16 2011 02:58 GMT
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• Added new attachment for the Silencer gizmo when applied to the SPETZ-9 Shotgun and Paladin Sniper Rifle.
• Added low-visibility particle effect on silenced weapons.
General Issues
• Fixed players in single-player training showing up as join-able on the server browser.
• Fixed pre-order Veteran medal sometimes not being given
• Fixed several bugs with the Deep Blue achievement.
• Fixed a bug with the Cloak-on-Cloak Action achievement.
• Replaced the poison grenade from the Stealth Saboteur with a pistol side-arm.
• Fixed stealth player models, and some weapons becoming invisible with mutli-core rendering disabled on Windows.
• Fixed Consortium Support eye height being too high.
• Fixed errors regarding the DropClip event from the Bag-90 and P-900 sidearms.
• Fixed the default key bind for weapon quick switch. Players should consider restoring their key binds to the default configuration.
• Improved bot navigation meshes for all maps
• Fixed naming for the london world fair prop
• Fixed cant create physic object error
User Interface
• Fixed pre-order Veteran medal sometimes not showing up in the extras panel.
• Fixed missing chat and exit button in the commander screen after joining a game right after commander training.
• Silo
o Fixed able to build inside the building at the EMP base
o Fixed invisible wall on an inside walkway
o Removed floating rope above the CT command bunker
o Added a bit more space for the EMP commander to deploy relay towers
o Fixed multiple small issues throughout the level
• FPS Training
o Fixed unable to proceed with Exo tutorial when running between the two firing rooms while pressing space
o Removed delay from jump/crouching messages, they now show up when the player is near the obstacle

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Dec 14 2011 11:43 GMT
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The delayed Nuclear Dawn free weekend will be upon us from tomorrow! Igor from InterWave sent us this message about the FPS-RTS hybrid’s exciting promotional event: “In preparation for the Free Weekend on Steam, running Thursday 15th through Monday 19th, InterWave has released their biggest update for Nuclear Dawn since its release in September. The patch brings the début of all-new features and a host of improvements, including new weapons and interactive single-player training.” He also says the game will be 40% off at $12.

Have a read of Dan’s take on the game from just after launch if you want to know a bit more about what you’d be getting yourself into.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Nov 29 2011 15:10 GMT
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Nuclear Dawn’s multiplayer combination of strategy and FPS harks back to Savage and Natural Selection, with one player on each team taking the role of a base-building commander while the rest run around collecting resources and shooting one another. As might be expected, it’s the sort of game that needs plenty of players willing to form functional teams. Perhaps to that end, a free trial, accessible through Steam, begins December 1st and runs through ’til the 5th. In the hope that people might stick around, Interwave are also dropping the price of the game to $20. Do we have a Nuclear Dawn community here? I’m tempted to jump into the trial and see how the radioactive twilight suits my complexion.

Posted by Valve Nov 03 2011 17:24 GMT
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• Added Love Thy Troops commander orders tutorial video.
• BSPzip.exe has now been added to the SDK for level designers.

General Issues
• Fixed a bug with the election system that allowed a user to register multiple votes.
• Fixed a prediction bug with the Bag90 pistol and SPETZ-9 shotgun.

User Interface
• Frag and poison grenades now have a different proximity indicator icon.
• EMPd spawn points now have a unique icon on the deployment map.
• The customize menu now opens automatically when a new class is selected.

• Hydro
o Fixed easy to hit assembler.
o Added a few more variations of the T-Barriers.
• Oasis
o Fixed CT assembler easy to hit from a long distance
o Blocked areas where players shouldnt get to throughout the map.
o Added a few more variations of the T-Barriers.
o Added extra clipping throughout the map, to smooth out player movement.
o Fixed light glitches on displacement in a few areas
o Fixed grass sticking through the floor in several locations
o Fixed light casting issues due smoothing, on multiple vehicle props
