Dinos Soar In Primal Carnage
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Aug 24 2012 10:00 GMT in Primal Carnage
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There’s a school of thought that says half the videogames people make are just big-budget, explosion-packed attempts at reliving rah-rah-rah playground fantasies. But that’s a dumb accusation. Obviously, we’re really attempting to relive rah-rah-rah action figure fantasies. Case in point: gaming’s un-ending pursuit of the ultimate man vs dinosaur sim, ripped straight from my childhood’s imaginary “G.I. Joe vs Godzilla” newspaper headlines. Sadly, both Dino D-Day and Orion: Dino Beatdown fell flat, so Primal Carnage is moving in to pick up the slack with its hilariously short, strangely adorable dinosaur arms. But will it succeed? Let’s ask our good friend, Mr Character Showcase.


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