Scribblenauts Unlimited - Nintendo Power details
Posted by GoNintendo 12 years ago in Scribblenauts Unlimited
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The following information comes from a Nintendo Power feature...


- Players will learn about Maxwell’s motivations and how he got ahold of his notebook
- Super Scribblenauts let you choose between controlling Max by switching between button and touchscreen controls in a menu
- In Scribblenauts Unlimited, the GamePad lets you use either method at any time
- More onscreen objects thanks to the power of Wii U
- Super Scribblenauts let you have 12 items at once; Scribblenauts Unlimited lets you have around 60
- More realistic water
- New shaders, cool particle effects, and more


- Analog stick: move Maxwell
- D-pad: cycle through on-screen objects
- Touchscreen: shows same content on TV; lets you write words, interact with objects, aim weapons; move Maxwell and the camera if you wish
- B: jump
- A: action
- X: go through doors
- ZR: zoom in
- ZL: zoom out


- In co-op, one player uses Wii controls for Maxwell and his notebook
- Up to three others can join in with Wiimotes at anytime
- They can take the reins of any object that has been produced
- Game is divided into 30-40 large interconnected themed worlds
- 5th Cell still determining the final number
- Each is fully explorable and has multiple objectives
- Areas include Hyphen Heights, the Metaforest, Underscore Mine, and The Saurus Park
- You can use each area as a sandbox
- Anything you make or events that occur will still be there if you leave and come back later
- Worlds are populated with NPCs
- NPCs usually have quests

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