Arenanet On Guild Wars 2′s Grouping Grumbles
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Aug 28 2012 09:20 GMT in Guild Wars 2
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I’m having a whale of a time with Guild Wars 2, but I am playing it pretty much on my own due to problems with the grouping/instancing/server overflow system. As half the world pointed out on my piece yesterday, in theory if your party is rendered disparate by the game you can right-click on party members and select ‘join’ to be dispatched to whichever overflow shard your chums are on, but only in theory. It doesn’t work much of the time, and to the point that me and mine simply don’t bother to even try it now, especially as we knew that even if it did work we’d soon be torn asunder again should we have the temerity to change zone or embark on personal quests.

Turns out it is at least partially a bug rather than the design flaw I accused of it being, ArenaNet having been in touch with the following statement, and promise that they’re working their hindquarters off to improve the situation.(more…)

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