Scribblenauts Unlimited - ESRB rating details
Posted by GoNintendo Aug 28 2012 18:16 GMT in Scribblenauts Unlimited
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This is a puzzle platformer in which players assume the role of a boy tasked with lifting a curse that is slowly turning his sister to stone. As players explore side-scrolling environments, they solve puzzles and create customized objects to complete mission objectives (e.g., helping a character prepare for a date; capturing a dinosaur; rescuing a character in distress). By typing in whatever nouns they can imagine, players can create myriad objects or entities in the game world.

By adding adjectives, players can also modify these nouns to create different word combinations, triggering brief, comical scenarios: a “homicidal house” that can attack a man; a “cannibal” that orders food at a diner; a “necrophagous bike” that can eat a corpse; a “suicidal house” that attacks itself with a knife. Players can also summon “cartoony” versions of bats, bombs, guns, and flamethrowers to destroy nearby objects or other summoned items. These triggered animations are minimally depicted and usually accompanied by musical notes, colorful flashes, or small puffs of smoke. If players wish, they may type in the word “vomit,” causing a beige-colored puddle to appear on screen; typing the adjective “flatulent” results in squishy sound effects.


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