What If The Internet Could Fit Inside a Game Boy?
Posted by Kotaku Sep 10 2012 02:30 GMT in Gaming News
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#gameboy Then it would look like this, and the world would be a much cooler place. More »



Reply by weedlord bonerhitler Sep 10 2012 02:59 GMT
Reply by weedlord bonerhitler Sep 10 2012 02:59 GMT
Reply by weedlord bonerhitler Sep 10 2012 03:27 GMT
Actually that would be awesome, just need wifi in the cartridge
Reply by Francis Sep 10 2012 03:53 GMT
no, it wouldnt be cooler
why would you want websites on cartridges
thats horrible
Reply by Nastasia Sep 10 2012 07:49 GMT
your gay nas
Reply by Viddd Sep 10 2012 07:52 GMT
i didn't know i had a gay
Reply by Nastasia Sep 10 2012 08:12 GMT
I can see this being kind of cool, I would almost compare it to those little gameboy movie things, where you could get like short films and episodes of pokemon and what-not on the gameboy advanced
Reply by Super-Claus Sep 10 2012 19:06 GMT
They aren't websites Nas, they are called "apps" now.
Reply by Francis Sep 10 2012 21:17 GMT
internet is not a phone no matter how much you think it is
Reply by Nastasia Sep 10 2012 22:16 GMT
"called apps now" They were always called that, apps is just abbreviated for application anyways. And they have always been part of the internet. Nothing has changed no matter how much you think it has.
Reply by Super-Claus Sep 11 2012 00:17 GMT
application is different than website though thats the thing
application usually refers to a program, not a web page
Reply by Nastasia Sep 11 2012 00:18 GMT
YES, web pages are programmed, but calling a web page a program would be like calling a newspaper a book
Reply by Nastasia Sep 11 2012 00:20 GMT
Web pages are scripted you nerd.
Reply by Wootman Sep 11 2012 01:23 GMT
This is why MMBN needs to happen. That way websites would be "places" not "apps". It would also be more fun.
Reply by Grievous Sep 11 2012 04:44 GMT
you dont have to be rude wootman
Reply by Nastasia Sep 11 2012 09:34 GMT
I'm sorry Nas I don't know what got over me..... u buttpipe mcgee
Reply by Wootman Sep 11 2012 20:25 GMT
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