Zone of the Enders HD Collection out October 30, with Metal Gear Rising demo
Posted by Joystiq Sep 19 2012 19:00 GMT in Zone of the Enders HD Collection
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Many people bought Zone of the Enders back on the PS2 solely for the included demo of Metal Gear Solid 2, the game that would go on to introduce Raiden to the world. Get ready for serious deja vu.

Zone of the Enders HD Collection, which features graphically improved versions of both Zone of the Enders and its sequel, will come with a demo of Raiden's next appearance, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, upon its newly announced October 30 release date on Xbox 360 and PS3. The demo will be available with the retail collection (and released later on its own), so keep that in mind if you're weighing the decision between packaged and digital versions.

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