Famitsu survey shows Japanese excitement for Wii U
Posted by GoNintendo Oct 04 2012 01:36 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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A recent Famitsu survey of 1,000 gamers shows that there is a growing excitement for Nitendo's upcoming console. 45% of those surveyed said they plan on purchasing the Wii U on launch day. 37% said they plan on buying the console on a later date. The launch line up seems to be a big draw for the gamers. Most likely since New Super Mario Bros. U and Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate are launch games for the system.

72% said they planned on buying the premium version of the Wii U. This is mostly due to the storage difference between the two systems, since the basic bundle only offers 8GB of storage compared to the 32 GB in the premium.

You can read more information from the survey by clicking here.

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