Can't Get a Wii U? There's Always eBay (and $1000+ Prices)
Posted by Kotaku Oct 05 2012 03:00 GMT in Wii U
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#wiiu Let's say you really, really want a Wii U for Christmas. Problem is, it's pretty tough getting hold of a pre-order, because most places are sold out. What options are you left with? More »

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This shit's like 07 christmas, no one ever got a wii until next year.
Reply by Flar3 Oct 15 2012 04:06 GMT
06 christmas you mean. I got two and sold one on ebay to pay for the other. Maybe I'll try the same with the Wii U.
Reply by Francis Oct 15 2012 04:32 GMT
The difference is now we all know this shit isn't worth full price.
Reply by Popple Oct 15 2012 04:36 GMT
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