What are some odd things you did or found in the game? One of the things I did was spawn a shark, spawn a laser, put the laser on the shark (no glue involved) and spawn anything for it to fight. The only thing that killed it was a Gargoyle.
Posted by Medikoopa Oct 10 2009 17:47 GMT in Scribblenauts
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Another thing I did was I spawned Cupid, a boulder, and Satan. I droped the boulder on Cupid until he let go of the bow, shot Satan, then spawned a woman next to him. The game crashed because Satan was nice.
Reply by Medikoopa Oct 10 2009 17:48 GMT
Magic Carpet can be extremely buggy, sometimes when you make a level in the garden it'll disregard which act you choose to base your level off of and make it the first one causing you to fall into an endless cycle of losing the stage. dieing in the sandbox before choosing a file resets it back to the sandbox, Certain characters can pertain 2 functions at once (ex: You can set Dopplegangers to kill Maxwell yet they still steal items laying around them), Shooting anything with the Cherub Bow thats big enough is rideable (That includes Kraken and Cthulu), Invincibility Cloak and Invisibility Cloak only work in the sandbox. Almost every character in the game can wear a tophat, You can cheat in challenge mode by adding adjectives before words enabling you to use the same word over and over again but under a different adjective, Typing in certain memes makes them appear (Spaghetti Cat, Longcat, Tacgnol, Over 9000, Anonymous, Leek Spin Girl, etc.) Oh and most words don't act how you'd expect them to act.
Reply by Fallen Shade Oct 10 2009 18:07 GMT
I found that entering various different names for atoms (Gluon, Argon, etc.) generated the exact same atomic particle.
Reply by MattTheSpratt Oct 10 2009 19:43 GMT
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