Walking Dead Episode 4 out tomorrow on PSN, next day XBLA, PC
Posted by Joystiq Oct 08 2012 16:30 GMT in The Walking Dead
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The Walking Dead Episode Four: Around Every Corner drops Tuesday, October 9 on PSN in North America, and on Wednesday, October 10 on XBLA, PC and Mac. Yes, that leaves just one day, at the least, to prepare for the zombie apocalypse. Again. We hope you saved some tools.

Around Every Corner, written by Gary Whitta, is the second-to-last episode in Telltale's Walking Dead series. It costs $5 as a standalone, or comes with the Season Pass, which runs $20 and includes all five episodes.

Around Every Corner is in submission with SCEE, and Telltale will announce European and international PSN release dates as soon as it gets them. Details regarding Episode Three: Long Road Ahead on the App Store are coming soon.

Part seven of Telltale's Playing Dead series speaks with Episode Three director Eric Parsons and designer Harrison Pink about why that episode had so much death. We assume the answer is, "Because it's a zombie game, duh." Playing Dead part seven is embedded below, and includes heavy spoilers for Episode Three.

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