Activision still not sure of what DLC will hit Call of Duty: Black Ops II on Wii U
Posted by GoNintendo Oct 15 2012 17:47 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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The following comments come from Activision CEO Eric Hirshberg...

On Wii U having "compatibility with the full suite of Elite services, the Season Pass, and individual Map Packs"...

"That's our goal, but the honest answer here, Chris, is that we're still working out the details with Nintendo. We certainly want Call of Duty to be a consistent experience across all platforms. But each platform, as you know, has different strengths, which lend themselves to different features. Instead of giving you an incomplete answer today, let us go through that process and come back with a more definitive answer in the near future."

This is not the kind of message Nintendo wants to send right out of the gate with Wii U. They say they're serious about online, but just a month out from launch, big third party publishers still don't know what's going on with online content.

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