Assassin's Creed III will have players face 'uncomfortable truths'
Posted by GoNintendo 12 years ago in Nintendo Stuff
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"Usually we're trying to be truthful. And we like it--I should say we don't mind it--if the truth is uncomfortable, if we can back it up with facts. When we were dealing with the Borgias [in Assassin's Creed II], we were saying the Pope is a really bad guy. But if you do any amount of research, it's pretty clear we didn't make this up and it's pretty well documented. And it's the same with the Founding Fathers. These are real people; they have their ups and downs, their opinions. And when we can find documented evidence of an opinion they had or something they asked for and it was just true, then we were happy to put that in the game. But we tried not to have our subjective layer come into it; we saved that for the fictional storyline and the fictional characters." - creative director Alex Hutchinson

There will indeed be some heavy topics in Assassin's Creed III. Let's hope they are handled well. It's important to see games doing things like this.

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