Grand Theft Auto: Vice City cruising onto iOS, Android this fall
Posted by Joystiq 12 years ago in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
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Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is marking its 10th anniversary by riding onto iOS and Android this fall, following in the footsteps of GTA 3. Rockstar also announced that, to celebrate the 2002 game's landmark, the new versions will include unseen assets and artwork. Rockstar didn't reveal a price or release date, but for reference GTA 3 costs $4.99 on both platforms.

Vice City hitting iOS and Android may well mark the coming of the final entry in GTA's PlayStation 2 triad. Not only is it logical, but around this time last year Rockstar said upcoming iOS ports of both Vice City and San Andreas were "very possible." The first has come to pass, so don't be surprised if you're visiting Los Santos on your iPad in a year's time.

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