Nintendo Land - Tons of footage, new details
Posted by GoNintendo Oct 29 2012 18:09 GMT in Nintendo Land
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Captain Falcon's Twister Race

- tilting the GamePad from a vertical position steers your craft
- racing to survive, not against other racers
- ghost of your previous race will appear
- top-down view on GamePad
- more traditional view on TV
- make sharp turns and avoid obstacles
- entering tunnels will block your view

Yoshi's Fruit Cart

- get Yoshi to a door that will only unlock once you've collected all of the fruit that's set out on a map
- control your 'Yoshi Cart' by drawing a path on the GamePad's screen
- when your path reaches the door, the game prompts you to let Yoshi begin
- GamePad doesn't display the fruit, just the basic map
- TV won't show the path you've sketched out
- both screens use textures and shapes that exist on the map's background to guide your path
- if you reach the door without all of your fruit, it won't open
- this results in you losing a life
- roughly 50 stages to complete
- obstacles like moving fruit, holes and more
- 'fast travel' to later levels once you've reached them

Octopus Dance

- single player
- use the GamePad's analog sticks and gyroscope to match the Game & Watch diver's movements
- diver will also shift your Mii's position

- Mario Chase, Luigi's Ghost Mansion and Animal Crossing: Sweet Day's levels will scale depending on how many players are present
- Mario Chase levels retain their themes no matter how many players
- if you're just playing with two players, the 'chaser' will be accompanied by two AI-based Yoshi carts
- in the same situation with Luigi's Ghost Mansion, Monita grabs a flashlight and enters the fray
- Monita will only patrol basic routes and will turn off its flashlight if your Luigi Mii approaches
- Animal Crossing Sweet Day features two levels to play in
- when playing just two-player, the GamePad player instantly gains an advantage by having two characters to the other person's one
- in this case, the gamer seeking candy no longer retains his prizes
- instead, the player deposits them in various bins around the map
- Pikmin Adventure features a 16-level Challenge Mode (1-5 players) and a 3-level Versus Mode (2-5 players)
- Takamaru's Ninja Castle lets you collect scrolls that allow for new weapons, like clay bombs
- there are also boss battles in this game
- Zelda's Battle Quest has a Time Attack mode meant for a single player
- there are three archery-based levels to master
- 20 levels in Metroid Blast's core 1-5 player Assault Mode
- also has Ground battles that each have their own five stages designed for multiple players
- the Pachinko-esque Coin Game lets you spend coins earned in attractions to win prizes that will populate the plaza of Nintendo Land
- Some of those prizes can only be won when you've unlocked them by playing their respective attractions
- Miiverse will apparently tie to Nintendo Land with some form of online leaderboards
- features in-game achievements
- you can earn criteria-specific stamps, high score trophies in the single player games, or 'Master Rank' stars
- only two modes within Nintendo Land require Wii MotionPlus - controlling a ground-based character in Metroid Blast, and controlling a sword-wielding character in Zelda: Battle Quest

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