Primal Carnage review: Roar games
Posted by Joystiq Nov 05 2012 22:35 GMT in Primal Carnage
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"Oh, great. Another multiplayer game where humans and dinosaurs duke it out for battlefield supremacy." If the game industry had evolved differently, maybe made that left turn at Turok, that's what we might have uttered when Primal Carnage was first revealed. With a few exceptions, however, the mash-up of dinosaur and man at war has mostly eluded the video game industry.

Having the foresight to predict what should be the "next big thing," developer Lukewarm Media has delivered its first game, Primal Carnage, under Reverb Publishing. Though there are a few meteor-sized holes in the game's feature list and polished sheen, Primal Carnage makes a good first impression, with some deep thought put into its strange (and awesome) gimmick.

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