You Shall Not Pass On The Lego LOTRO Demo
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Nov 06 2012 09:00 GMT in LEGO Batman 2: DC Superheroes
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Edit – whoops, Nathan already posted this. I blame Sauron.

Warner are pretty canny at getting a companion Lego game out when their tentpole movies arrive, and with The Hobbit: An Unexpectedly And Cynically Long Three-Part Journey arriving in cinemas very soon, so it is that the first Lego Lord of the Rings game is on its way. I am prepared to state, on the record, my belief that it will be Quite Nice but overwhelmingly similar to the nineteen hundred other Lego: Franchise games released to date. But you shouldn’t take my lazy prophecies on face value – not when there’s a demo available now.(more…)

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