Sir, You Are Being Hunted reaches Kickstarter goal
Posted by Joystiq Nov 07 2012 21:30 GMT in PC Gaming News
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Tweedpunk shooter Sir, You Are Being Hunted has succeeded in reaching its £40,000 ($63,896) Kickstarter goal. The game (as of this writing) has received £42,322 in funding, with 24 days left to raise cold, hard pound sterling.

"Wow, we're stunned by how quickly we've hit target. Thanks, everyone! This money is going to help us turn our prototype into a fully-fledged game of being hunted by robots," the team at Big Robot wrote in an update. "Animation and new art will be the priority, and we'll be revealing new NPCs and other details in the coming days."

Prepare to be hunted sometime in 2013 on Windows, Mac, and Linux... and now we imagine penguins running. It's funny in our heads.

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