Team Ninja doesn't think consoles are going away
Posted by GoNintendo Nov 11 2012 19:34 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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A portion of a CVG interview with Team Ninja's Yosuke Hayashi...

CVG: Where do you see videogames going in the future? There's a lot of talk about this next generation being the last for traditional consoles. Do you think that will be the case, or do you think there will always be separation between consoles and other media?

YH: I don't think consoles are going to disappear from gaming. You still have millions of people playing videogames with a controller on a box in front of the TV. Just look at Call Of Duty, for example: it's everywhere. There are millions of people playing it. I think people will continue to play games, and as long as the cost of development stays sustainable, and people continue to buy traditional games, then we'll be here.

If only one game sells everything, it will ruin the gaming and console industries completely. I think you can compare it to movies. People still go to the cinema after all this time. I don't know how long cinemas have been around but it's not like cinemas are completely gone and everyone is watching movies on their TV or smartphone. Yes, you have those new mediums, but the old guy is still there - and I think it's going to be like that with consoles. I think they will be around for quite a while.

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