Call of Duty: Black Ops II: The Kotaku Review
Posted by Kotaku Nov 13 2012 08:02 GMT in Gaming News
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#review Six years after the death of Saddam Hussein—just couple of days ago—I decided to watch the video of his death for the first time. I did this because in Call of Duty: Black Ops II's attempt to explain its plot, I was shown a brief glimpse of a YouTube video showcasing the director of the FBI being burned alive. This shocks me for a second—is that something that could really happen, or is that somewhere the game takes liberty in its fiction? Could I just hop online and watch a recent high profile figure...die on a major media website? I can, of course—Saddam is a testament to that. In the moment that this hit me, I started to realize that the world of David Mason—son of Alex Mason, and the new primary protagonist—is one we are familiar with, one we may already be living in barring the existence of a few futuristic weapons. It's all less "near future" than you'd think. More »

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