Sleeping Dogs DLC dresses you up in Square Enix costumes
Posted by Joystiq Nov 13 2012 22:30 GMT in Sleeping Dogs
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Forgive us for the least cute post you'll see today with "dress up" and "dogs" in the headline. Instead of corgis in costumes, the topic of conversation is Sleeping Dogs, which offers some crossover costume DLC today, including a vaguely unsettling bald cap.

The cap is attached to the Hitman suit in the "Square Enix Character Pack" launching today, which also includes a Deus Ex-inspired outfit and a Rico Rodriguez getup from Just Cause. It'll be available tomorrow on Xbox Live and Steam worldwide, and PSN in Europe, for two bucks or its local equivalent. North American PSN users will have to wait until November 20 to make their game look like other games.

Check out the Deus Ex outfit above; you can see a vignette with the Hitman outfit after the break.

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