Left 4 Dinosaurs: Primal Carnage’s Free ‘Chopper’ DLC
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Nov 16 2012 09:00 GMT in Primal Carnage
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I opened my nasally Pteranodon vocal passages and shrieked for more interesting stuff to do in Primal Carnage, and – as if by magic/coincidental timing/but I really hope it’s magic – Lukewarm Media answered. The first batch of DLC’s been officially dubbed “Get to the Chopper,” and it’s about, well, getting to a chopper. And also away from dinosaurs. Both of these goals seem fairly conducive to that oh-so-admirable goal of not being used as a chew toy by a slobbering T-Rex, so hooray. Better still – that is, if you value good deals over your own mortality – it’s free!


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