The Walking Dead Episode 5 review: All the time in the world
Posted by Joystiq Nov 26 2012 17:00 GMT in The Walking Dead
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Stay after the credits of The Walking Dead Episode 5: No Time Left.

I don't care what decisions you made throughout the episode, and I don't care how many people you killed, saved or sacrificed in all of the previous episodes combined. I don't care if you played Lee as a passive leader or a vengeful one, compassionate or sterile or practical, or if you think the entire series sucks - stay after the credits of the final episode. To cut off the credits of this installment early is tantamount to taking a bathroom break one minute before Darth Vader mutilates Luke in Cloud City, or Bruce Willis realizes he hasn't spoken to another person in weeks.

The moment is brief, as is the entire episode, but believe me, you won't feel cheated. After all, Telltale warned you: There really is No Time Left.

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