Ackkstudios caught up in a messy interview situation
Posted by GoNintendo Nov 26 2012 18:32 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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Oh boy, this one is quite upsetting. As many of you know, Ackkstudios is working on bringing at least one of their projects to the Wii U eShop. Supposedly the studio was approached by a major game site to talk about the Wii U eShop. In this interview, Ackkstudios was asked to badmouth some of Nintendo's online policies. When Ackkstudios didn't want to/didn't have anything to say, the interview ended up getting shelved.

That's how the story goes, anyway. After the original post came out, an editor at Kotaku claimed that the article was about their site, as they interviewed Ackkstudios. They also said that the interview wasn't published because they wanted to keep it for when things died down a bit.

Even worse, the person behind the original article is saying that they weren't talking about Kotaku, but instead, another big gaming site. It seems that all this has caused one big mess, which unfortunately puts Ackkstudios in the middle of all of it.

Let's just remember to keep Ackkstudios and their work out of this journalism issue. Their team is working hard to make something happen on Wii U. I'd hate to see their goals ruined by this spat. Thanks to all those that sent this in.

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