Retailer exclusive Dragon Age pre-order bonuses revealed
Posted by Joystiq Oct 17 2009 00:05 GMT in Dragon Age: Origins
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These days, it's not enough that retailers offer pre-order bonuses for upcoming video games. No, nowadays every retailer needs its own specific bonus just so everyone involved can feel more special. Such is the case for Dragon Age: Origins, so we decided to do a little digging and gather up the various bonuses that will be available from different retailers. All the retailers below -- apart from Amazon, for some reason -- are offering the Memory Ring in-game item, which adds 1 percent to XP growth and also bestows players with an additional skill point. Several retailers also have an exclusive in-game item, though Impulse is only offering the Memory Ring. The store-exclusive bonuses are: GameStop: Feral Wolf Charm - Gives bonuses to armor and health regeneration Amazon: Lion's Paw Boots - "Adds to armor, dodge, and evading missiles." Amazon is also offering a $10 gift card for pre-ordering the standard edition Steam: The Wicked Oath - A ring, adds 10% to critical strike damage, improves armor penetration by 2 and adds +1 to combat stamina regeneration The bonuses apply to the Collector's and Digital Deluxe editions in most cases too, but be sure to check before placing any orders. We're trying to find out if Amazon will be offering the Memory Ring as well, and will update this post as soon as we find out.

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