Ubi Ending The Madness, Fixing Far Cry 3′s Pop-Ups
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Dec 08 2012 09:00 GMT in Far Cry 3
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Far Cry 3 has opened its komodo-dragon-like terror maw and consumed the entire RPS staff. We’re now naught but moldy bones littering the dimmest corners of its lair, wobbling on excitedly about that time we saved all those turtles from an out-of-control, highly turtle-unfriendly fire we started. But it’s definitely not perfect. Obnoxious pop-ups swarm constantly in a ceaseless cycle of useless reminders. John, noble lord of loathing, described it best when he said “Far Cry 3 does not, and it WILL NOT SHUT UP.” Fortunately, Ubisoft has heard players’ pleas, and now the pop-ups are going bye-bye.


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