Far Cry 3 Message Board

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Posted by Kotaku Mar 14 2014 04:26 GMT
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Miss Sinister is one of the best cosplayers around. And you're about to see why.Read more...

Posted by IGN Mar 10 2014 19:09 GMT
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PlayStation Now may charge around $4.99 or $5.99 for you to rent a streamed PS3 game, if Gaikai concept art is to be believed.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Feb 14 2014 17:00 GMT
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From: Alec Meer, Brighton, February 2014

To: Alec Meer, Bath, October 2008

Hey kid,

Hah, I’ve probably pissed you off already, haven’t I? That was easily done back then, as I recall. Yeah, yeah, you’re no kid – right now, every one of your twenty-nine years feels like a scar. It’s been a bad year, even by your standards. You’re burning to up and leave this fusty old town you’ve spent the last eight years in, but you feel so tired, so broken, so bitter. You’re also about to sit down with Far Cry 2, and you’re not going to like it. Everything’s going to change in time, including how you feel about that game.

… [visit site to read more]

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Feb 11 2014 19:00 GMT
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As part of my continuing display of ignorance, I hadn’t realised that the upcoming Far Cry The Wild Expedition – a bundle of all the previous Far Cries in one imaginary box – was going to contain something called Far Cry: Classic – a slightly remade version of the original game. Something that’s already available for consoles, apparently, but sigh Ubisoft etc. It seems the PC will only get it on the 21st, as a part of the rest of the pack.

… [visit site to read more]

Posted by PlayStation Blog Feb 11 2014 17:00 GMT
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From the islands of the South Pacific to the jungles of Africa, the Far Cry series has taken you on an unforgettable journey.

And now it’s time to go back.

With the simultaneous release of Far Cry Compilation and Far Cry Classic on February 11th, players can relive the action and the excitement that has defined a decade of gaming.

With Far Cry Classic, step into the shoes of Jack Carver, ex-Special Forces, and uncover the dark secrets of a covert operation in Micronesia. The original 2004 game has been given an HD overhaul with remastered graphics, cutscenes, and UI, and redesigned controls optimized for PS3. Rediscover the classic today when it launches on PlayStation Store.



In Far Cry Compilation, experience Far Cry 2, Far Cry 3 and Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, in a single retail box set. Experience the expansive open world beauty, original narrative and characters combined with classic FPS gameplay. Each is a unique adventure, whether for the heightened realism of 2, the brutality and insanity of 3 or the 80′s vision of the future that is Blood Dragon. Combined with Classic, it’s the perfect way to relive and rediscover one of gaming’s strongest franchises.

Get them today on PS3.

Posted by Kotaku Feb 01 2014 22:00 GMT
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This mod for Far Cry 3 is called "Z-Day," and its creator says the name will be changed to something else before its final release is offered. It sort of shows how brand confusion can work in reverse, too, when people might confuse your game for something that it's really not, and you really don't want them to think that, either.Read more...

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 14 2013 15:00 GMT
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I’m quite fascinated by Ubisoft’s epic poem JRPG melting pot of madness Child of Light, and I think you should be too. It’s an entirely bonkers concept, and – good or bad – it at least promises to be a thunderous step off the beaten path for a fee-fi-fo-fummingly gigantic publisher. I recently had the chance to chat with creative director Patrick Plourde and lead writer Jeffrey Yohalem, and you can find the first part of our conversation here. Today we pick up right where we left off: with guns and shootymen. Actually, that’s not where we left off at all, but sometimes natural transitions are hard. So read on to see what Plourde and Yohalem learned from creating Far Cry 3, fielding controversy that arose from it, and now, working within constraints more commonly associated with indie developers.


Posted by Kotaku Sep 10 2013 20:30 GMT
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If you're anything like me—If you have a beating heart and like video games—you probably watched the debut trailer for Child of Light and thought, "I want to play this."Read more...

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 10 2013 08:00 GMT
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Say what you will about Ubisoft, but you can’t deny that it’s significantly less risk-averse than triple-A publishing kin like EA and Activision. Assassin’s Creed III’s alternate history Washington DLCs weren’t the best, but that didn’t stop them from being patently insane. Call of Juarez: Gunslinger, meanwhile, was a quirky, out-of-nowhere gem. And then of course, there was Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, which Papa Ubi has apparently taken quite a neon-tinged, cyber-eyed shine to. But Child of Light might just be its biggest leap of faith yet. Inspired by the massive success of Journey on PS3, the publisher has let two of Far Cry 3‘s leads run wild on a co-op coming-of-age JRPG epic poem about a young girl and also there are drunken crow people for some reason. I recently got to play a small section of it, and I must say that I found it quite enchanting.


Posted by Kotaku Jun 18 2013 07:00 GMT
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There weren't any official Blood Dragon action figures. Shame. Ah well. At least there's this unofficial one, of the game's star Rex Colt, which is probably better than anything we'd have officially got anyways. Made by Danny Hughes, it's cannibalising parts - including the face - from a Hicks/Michael Biehn figure, a helpful thing since the main character in Blood Dragon is based off (and voiced) by the 80s action star. Danny Hughes [Twitter, via Super Punch]

Posted by Kotaku May 29 2013 05:00 GMT
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Herve Groussin is a senior concept artist at Eidos Montreal, the developers behind Deus Ex and the upcoming Thief reboot. He had until recently, however, been working at Ubisoft for a very long time, during which time he contributed on everything from Assassin's Creed (where we've briefly featured him previously) to Far Cry 3. Before that? He's been in the business long enough to have worked on the first two Top Spin games. Awesome. You can see more of Herve's work at his personal site and CGHub page. To see the larger pics in all their glory (or, if they’re big enough, so you can save them as wallpaper), click on the “expand” button in the bottom-right corner. Fine Art is a celebration of the work of video game artists, showcasing the best of both their professional and personal portfolios. If you're in the business and have some concept, environment, promotional or character art you'd like to share, drop us a line!

Posted by Kotaku May 08 2013 05:00 GMT
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If Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon is the encapsulation of c-grade 1980's sci-fi and action figures, this mock trailer for a Blood Dragon movie is the encapsulation of Blood Dragon. Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon: THE MOVIE [YouTube, via Super Punch]

Posted by Kotaku May 07 2013 04:30 GMT
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Martin Kevan, who played the crazy Dr. Earnhardt in Far Cry 3, has passed away following a brief battle with cancer. Born in 1947 in Kenya, Kevan's family moved to England and then Canada, where he began a long and successful career in TV, theatre and books. Martin is survived by his mother and brother.

Posted by IGN May 03 2013 16:00 GMT
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We show the famous stoner duo what happens to the weed fields in the game... and they don't like it at all!

Posted by Kotaku May 01 2013 13:00 GMT
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Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon may be a violent, gleefully-stupid video game, but it also has a Serious Message about violent video games. Here's a chat between two of the game's characters, captured above if you want to watch, transcribed below if you don't want anyone nearby hearing this profane insight: Doctor Elizabeth Darling: Rex, are you doing OK after that EMP surge? Rex Power Colt: Good as new, doc. There's no challenge I can't beat. Doc: I don't know, Rex. I'm pretty unstoppable in The Bishop of Battle. Rex: Doc, you play video games? Doc: Yes, Rex, video games are a proven coping mechanism, like any hobby. They've been shown to improve hand-eye coordination, problem-solving, social interaction and self-confidence. And no studies have managed to prove a correlation between video games and violence. Frankly, anyone who thinks games are bad for you is a F.U.C.K.ing idiot. Rex: Hey, whoa, whoa, Doc. Doc: No, Rex, F.U.C.K. stands for 'failing to understand our capacity for kindness.' It's an acronym. Though I suppose this isn't a game anymore. Is it? It's entirely possible that the doctor here is a Kotaku reader.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 30 2013 16:00 GMT
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Do you remember that there were decades previously to this one? Far Cry 3 seems to think it does, with the appearance of an expandalone spoof of the 1980s, Blood Dragon. How does this mini-adventure hold up? Here’s wot I think:


Posted by IGN Apr 30 2013 16:00 GMT
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Our in-depth analysis of the year's dumbest, most hilarious game is here.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 26 2013 07:00 GMT
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Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, wherefore art thou Blood Dragon? Well – and this is just a hunch – I’m gonna go ahead and say it’s because of all the blood dragons. Thing is, our peeks at the neon-drowned shurikensplosion of a game have thus far been confined by story, (somewhat oddly) removing said retro-future laser reptiles from the spotlight. Now, though, it’s time for a tour of the expandalone’s open world, and the dragons are done tip-toeing about. They are real, they are pissed, and they want cyber hearts for some reason. Watch them frolic, romp, stomp, and shoot helicopters out of the sky using only their eyeballs and their wits after the break.


Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 13 2013 15:00 GMT
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Who shoots the shooters? Well, I don’t think Spec Ops: The Line and Far Cry 3 writers Walt Williams and Jeffrey Yohalem have ever shot anybody, but they are attempting to skewer gaming’s shooter genre – or at least give it a good paddling. In the previous two installments of this gigantic chat, we discussed everything from the art of critique, to violence, to the effect of treating gamers like they’re stupid, to Dante’s Inferno and the Sistine Chapel. Seriously. It’s been a very long and interesting road, but now we’re finally at its end. In this thrill-a-millisecond conclusion, we discuss real, long-form criticism of games (including that one guy who wrote a book about Spec Ops), what’s next for these sorts of dissection of videogame culture, games as tools for exploring the future, and where games like BioShock Infinite fit into that.


Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 11 2013 12:00 GMT
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When last we joined Spec Ops: The Line writer Walt Williams and Far Cry 3 writer Jeffrey Yohalem, they discussed everything from the problematic nature of modern escapism to Western culture’s disturbing disconnection from real violence. Today: art! Or rather, the process of creating it using someone else’s money when that’s not really what they wanted in the first place. Also, we delve into the notion that gamers (often rightly) assume games think they’re dumb, and how that factored into the receptions of both games’ messages. In the process, the likes of Mass Effect, Shadow of the Colossus, the Sistine Chapel, and Dante’s Inferno (the literary work; not the bizarre EA game) get ruthlessly dissected. NO ONE IS SAFE. Flee beyond the break while you still can.


Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 09 2013 20:00 GMT
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The shooters! They’ve become self-aware! Now they’re in the vents, skittering around menacingly and writing lengthy commentaries on why the very mechanics that make them tick might just be hyper problematic for, you know, society. Two games, especially, have claimed the forefront of this movement and have succeeded to – erm, depending on whom you talk to – varying degrees. If nothing else, however, Spec Ops: The Line and Far Cry 3 should be applauded for aiming right down the sights at a very important topic. Thing is, they furrowed their proverbial brows at shooters in extremely different fashions – Spec Ops by charting a slow descent into bodycount-borne madness, and Far Cry by “straight-faced” (and/or frustratingly obtuse) satire. So, during GDC, I brought their respective writers, Walt Williams and Jeffrey Yohalem, together for a wide-ranging chat about, well, everything. In part one, we talk the industry’s emotional disconnect from the realities of shooting, how to critique violence without accidentally glorifying it in the process, getting these critiques past publishers, and tons more. Oh, and of course, beware of SPOILERS.


Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 09 2013 13:00 GMT
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Edit – bah, videos removed. If anyone’s found another source please say so below.

This half hour of purported footage from Far Cry 3 expandalone Blood Dragon is obviously fake. You can tell by the way the shader polarity is reversed at 11m07s in the first video, and the vertex flux lacks external consistency at 03m40s in the second video. Don’t even et me started on how unconvincing the e-dough modulation is. If you’re naive enough to want to watch thirty minutes of fabricated video from a pastiche sci-fi shooter, I can only wave you at the supposedly leaked videos below. They might have gone by the time you get there, as Ubisoft will doubtlessly feel the blatantly counterfeit muzzle occlusion diodes will give the real version of their game a bad rep.(more…)

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 08 2013 08:01 GMT
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I still can’t quite believe that Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon exists but as of this weekend, the standalone title not only has a release date, it also has Michael Biehn’s voice. Actually, the Xbox Marketplace listing which reveals the May 1st release date doesn’t specify ‘voice’, it says ‘a VHS era vision of a nuclear future, where cyborgs, blood dragons, mutants, and Michael Biehn collide’. Is it possible that the man in possession of the only true Reese’s Pieces has been transformed into binary code and inserted into the game? We’ll find out soon enough.


Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 05 2013 09:00 GMT
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On April 1st, a peculiar thing happened: a game company debuted a seemingly implausible spin-off that wasn’t a gigantic, painfully obvious hoax. Now, notice I said “hoax,” not “joke.” Reason being, Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon still seems incredibly, absurdly silly. The advantage it has over its smoke-and-mirrors peers, however, is that it’s actually, you know, real. What began with a schlocky (though impressively elaborate) ’80s-style B-movie adver-site now has a series of neon-soaked screenshots, and – in a fun twist – they look almost nothing like Far Cry 3. If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, well, I guess by that metric Far Cry’s dev team has some pretty darn sterling mental health. All other indicators, however, would seem to suggest otherwise. In a very, very good way.


Posted by IGN Apr 01 2013 19:07 GMT
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The new 1980's themed spinoff will take place in a vintage post-apocalyptic future in the year 2007.

Posted by IGN Apr 01 2013 16:44 GMT
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What the hell is this 80s-inspired nonsense? Ubisoft's next Far Cry game appears to be bonkers.

Posted by Kotaku Mar 12 2013 22:30 GMT
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#skyrim How would this joke go? It's like Far Cry 3 but with magic? It's like Skyrim but with Skyrim? It's like Skyrim with guns, but without guns? Lord, I don't even know. More »

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Feb 19 2013 12:00 GMT
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Confession time: I never quite finished Far Cry 3. I’ve put infinity-dozens of hours into it, but I eventually got bored because I downed most of the outposts. As a result, my once-thriving pirate-and-oppression-overrun utopia devolved into a hive of peace and friendly cooperation. Gross, right? So I moved on to other open worlds and left Far Cry 3 stranded on its own little closure-free island, forever to rest until I forgot Just Cause 2 existed. But this, this is good news. We’ll be able reset outposts soon – at least, after beating the game. Also, other things! Those things are after the break.


Posted by Kotaku Feb 18 2013 20:00 GMT
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#farcry About a month ago, I started playing Far Cry 3 with this excellent mod compilation, which re-imagined the game as a sort of "New Game Plus" sort of deal. One of the best features was that after taking an outpost, I'd have the opportunity to leave it for the pirates, which keep the map "hostile," and therefore a lot more interesting. More »

Posted by Kotaku Feb 13 2013 07:00 GMT
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#farcry I am in tears. I'm shedding actual tears here. Actual tears of laughter. Bear in mind that I'm Scottish and this is how I speak when I go home and I don't have to worry about people understanding what I say. Underneath this genuinely incisive review is some of the best Scottish patter I've heard in years. I'm pissing myself just thinking about it. You have to watch this but, be warned, it's not exactly… PC. More »