Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, DLC half-off today on Xbox Live
Posted by Joystiq Dec 18 2012 14:45 GMT in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
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As part of its "countdown to 2013 deals," Xbox Live has Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and its downloadable content available for half off today only.

That means the Games on Demand version of last year's installment in the Call of Duty franchise, Modern Warfare 3, is available for $30. Its four DLC packs are 600 Microsoft Points ($7.50) apiece.

Oddly, checking Amazon, Modern Warfare 3 is currently $54.99, which does make this Xbox Live special an actual deal (for once). Meanwhile, this year's Black Ops 2 is $49.99 from the e-tailer.

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