Dragon Quest X - Magic Knight and Superstar quest details
Posted by GoNintendo Jan 03 2013 18:43 GMT in Dragon Quest X
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- newly introduced quests are the first exclusive chapters for the Magic Knight and Superstar classes
- these require the players to be of level 30 or higher
- the Magic Knight’s quest is Diplomatic Mission
- Magic Knights start out with smaller missions and will work their way up the ranks
- your mission is to visit the Kamihalmi Castle, located in the Eltona Continent
- you must take out 10 Marine Slimes infesting the nearby area
- get rewarded with the Magic Knight Army Boots
- the Superstar’s first quest is Still A Novice ♪
- speak to the Superstar master, Salbarita, located in Megistoris of the Pukland continent
- Salbarita’s job is to teach every disciple what it takes to become a great Superstar
- start out with a small task of defeating 10 Tapu Devils
- complete this to get the Star Shoes as a reward

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