Nintendo unifying console/portable divisions for better synergy, connectivity
Posted by GoNintendo Jan 16 2013 09:08 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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- unifying console and portable divisions
- first organizational restructure in the company since 2004
- 130 employees from Nintendo's console development team will join 150 employees from its handheld division
- will be established February 16
- new development building is due for completion at the end of the year
- Nintendo hopes the move will encourage further connectivity between console and portable devices
- this includes the implementation of handheld devices as console controllers
- also includes the ability to continue playing their console game on their handheld when away from the couch

"In an effort to create more innovative and attractive products, Nintendo Co. will combine the development segments for its home video game consoles and handheld game devices.

The decision comes on the heels of recent releases of the Nintendo 3DS portable system in February 2011 and the Wii U home console last month. With more people using their smartphones and tablets for entertainment via the Internet, including games and videos, Nintendo aims to come up with next-generation game systems that will turn heads.

The two teams will eventually be integrated and the segment will be organized by function, such as circuits, mechanisms and design.

Game system development projects are becoming larger and taking longer to complete as the machines become more advanced. Nintendo apparently has its sights set on speeding up these projects by sharing development processes for consoles and handheld devices where possible and by reassigning personnel depending on the situation. It sees interactions between engineers as a potential hotbed of new ideas.

Such functions are already available with the Wii U, but Nintendo likely hopes to better streamline its products by tapping into such online services as Twitter and video sites."


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More validity to my prediction that the next Nintendo machine will be both a portable and home console.
Or maybe they will do something sooner and make a portable gamepad for the Wii U?

Reply by Francis Jan 17 2013 14:59 GMT
I suspect Nintendo have had this in their heads for a while, given how they tried it with the GBA and Gamecube via Four Swords and the recent re-appearance of that mechanic in the form of the WiiU gamepad screen.
Reply by Gold Prognosticus Jan 17 2013 15:20 GMT
Dating back to the SNES, Nintendo has always had some form of interaction. The Super Game Boy was a good start to spark ideas. Pokemon Stadium had its idea of using the controller as a Game Boy. When GameCube stepped in, they flipped the tables and said "The handheld itself is the controller" with Four Swords, Wind Waker, Metroid Prime (Fusion Suit), Animal Crossing, and then Square's Crystal Chronicles. For the Wii, the one that comes to mind is Battle Revolution interacting with the DS. Then Wii U became a system based entirely around "a handheld system is your controller".
They've wanted to do this for a long time.
Reply by Linkshot Jan 17 2013 15:38 GMT
as if this was news?
Reply by Fortran Jan 18 2013 09:42 GMT
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