Lightning Returns: Carrying the adventure solo as Final Fantasy's 'first female protagonist'
Posted by Joystiq Jan 18 2013 18:30 GMT in Square Enix
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Lightning is Final Fantasy's first female lead, at least according to Square Enix.

This may come as a surprise to fans of Final Fantasy VI, which ostensibly starred Terra, the amnesiac magic user who gradually discovers her roots as an esper. But Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII director and series veteran Motomu Toriyama (who came in on Final Fantasy VII, it should be mentioned) has an explanation.

"We feel that every person within the party [in Final Fantasy VI] is a main character, but we feel Lightning is very impactful as the main female protagonist in the Final Fantasy series." Toriyama says. "Not only is she the first female protagonist, she is very powerful, cool, calm, and collected. So we believe that is another attractive feature of hers."

Toriyama says the goal is to flesh Lightning out and make her more than a high-flying Cloud expy: "Upon considering the development of Lightning Returns, throughout this Lightning Saga she has been depicted as this cool and powerful woman, but by the same measure she's been so cool that she's also come off as aloof. We want to expand on her character some so we can have everyone fall in love with her even more."

"Love" might be a bit strong in this instance. She was certainly one of Final Fantasy XIII's more successful elements, but her overall lack of depth made it too difficult to really become attached to her as a character. Still, when Final Fantasy XIII-2 arrived last year, Toriyama says that Square Enix heard from fans who wondered when Lightning would be back in a starring role. Hence, Lightning Returns.

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