Capcom talks Resident Evil Revelations cut ideas, sequel chances, Wii U interest
Posted by GoNintendo Jan 22 2013 18:53 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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The following comments come from Resident Evil Revelations director Koshi Nakanishi...

On cut ideas...

"We had a ton of great ideas and some, like the Genesis scanner, were used in the game, but quite a lot of them went unused. One such idea was a special weapon designed to be used underwater. This weapon would have been received from Chris at the end of Episode 8, but unfortunately the storyline changed during development and we had to cut it.

Speaking of the storyline, we also made changes to the final scene of the game. In Episode 1, if you look out at the ocean you can see some land in the distance. This was originally going to be the setting of the finale. Jill would have found something from her past there, but now you have the ending we see in the finished game, which I won't spoil here, in case anyone reading this has yet to play the game."

On sequel chances...

"have any comments on our plans for sequels right now."

On Wii U interest...

"The Wii U certainly looks like it will enable creators to come up with all kinds of never-before-seen gameplay ideas. There are lots of things I'd like to try out on it. If I was to work on a game for the Wii U, I would definitely want to make something that couldn't be done on any other hardware. The GamePad's separate screen enables so many possibilities, and playing on a television screen would enable sharing the experience with others in a way that wasn't possible on the Nintendo 3DS. I feel it would let us create a very unique and fun Resident Evil game."

Full interview here with much more concept art

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