Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate producer explains why 3DS was chosen over Vita
Posted by GoNintendo Feb 04 2013 18:09 GMT in Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
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A portion of a GamerLiving interview with producer David Cox...

GL: The 3D component of the 3DS: how crucial is that to the experience of the game, as opposed to bringing the game out on the PlayStation Vita?

David Cox: I think what you can boil it down to is that we considered the Vita, we considered the 3DS; you know, the team made a prototype very, very quickly, showed us what the game looked like and their ideas for the game: ‘Here it is on the Vita,’ and ‘Yeah, fantastic, that’s really nice, amazing.’ And ‘Here it is on the 3DS, but you can do this, we can bring the camera in, we can bring it out. And the world, it’s a 3D world, it looks like a diorama and we can play with the perceptions of the user because they’re expecting it to be a 2D game but it’ll actually be 3D and the camera will go third-person.’ And, I said to Jose Luis, ‘We can only do one of these games. We haven’t got enough people; we haven’t got enough money to do both. What do you want to do?’ And he said, ‘Look, we’re really excited about the 3DS. We want to do it on the 3DS because we think there’s more possibilities.’ And I was thinking, ‘Ok, we’re all going to give up two years of our lives working on this title, and it’s the 3DS that they’re excited about.’ And that’s really the only reason why we went with 3DS. It’s not to say it won’t ever come out on the Vita or on any other system because the game itself could easily get released on another system, but that essentially is the reason why we chose it for the 3DS.

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