Redbox Instant Xbox 360 app on the way
Posted by Joystiq Feb 05 2013 21:00 GMT in Kinect
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There is a strange cult of people out there - you may have seen them, huddled around those giant red vending machines outside your local gas station or grocery store. These people are actually renting DVDs from those machines, called Redbox. We know, it's so precious!

Redbox is testing the streaming waters with a new beta program called Redbox Instant, and Major Nelson has announced a corresponding app will be available exclusively on Xbox 360. Nelson says those in the beta right now - if you want in, you can sign up here - will receive an email with their Xbox 360 download code "in the coming days."

Redbox Instant is a combined monthly subscription service that provides unlimited online streaming of content and four one-night rental tokens for use at local Redbox vending machines. Redbox Instant subscribers can opt into the DVD package $8 or upgrade to Blu-rays for $9 a month.

[Note: Image taken from iOS Redbox Instant app on iPad.]

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