Activision fiscal briefing - sales date, new Call of Duty in 2013, disappointed in Wii U launch
Posted by GoNintendo Feb 07 2013 23:17 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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- #1 Videogame publisher, #1 Digital Publisher in US/EU, #1 title overall, #1 console title, #1 PC title
- Blizzard is working on an unannounced MMO
- Q4 2011 largely driven by Call of Duty/Skylanders
- New Call of Duty title coming for Q4 2013 — 'Call of Duty 2013'
- In 2012, in US+EU, Call of Duty was #1 videogame franchise and Skylanders was #3
- Skylanders has crossed a billion dollars in revenues.
- At the end of December, BO2 had the highest engagement in COD history.
- Skylanders: 100mil toys worldwide at end of January.
- Bungie's new project will deliver genre defining innovation. We expect to deliver more information in the near future.

Q: Skylanders. How you think about the franchise going forward if we have a new console cycle. What % are playing on Wii and how will this change when Sony/Microsoft consoles come?

A: We were somewhat disappointed with the launch of the Wii U. We're concerned about the install base for 6-11 year olds. The franchise has done well on all platforms and we're positioned well for Skylander's future. We have a new competitor and we have high expectations going forward.

Q: What do you think of WOW/MMO community? Are they in need of a new game?

A: We have seen an evolution in player behaviour since Cataclysm. They consume content quickly. We're targeting frequent content updates. We have seen an increase in engagement across all regions with Mists of Pandaria.

Q: Direct to TV phenomenon?

A: As you start to see internet TVs, app stores on TV, it's hard to compete against 'free'. We're going to have to start thinking differently about the content we deliver to those TVs.

Q: Can you expand more on the China market? What can you do to be more competitive there?

A: Competition has increased with WOW, it's competitng against all forms of entertainment for leisure time. Creating new content increases engagement. Engagement in China did increase with expansion launch.

Q: On connected TVs and your efforts in console gaming, on digital (iOS) we've seen success in episodic content, e.g. The Walking Dead... and follow up, with next-gen do you see upward development costs?

A: We're investing in a variety of initiatives. There's nothing we see in the near term but we're opportunist and always exploring. I don't know how to answer your second question, to tell you the truth. This is my 22nd year doing this. Every new transition we've seen increased development costs, whilst it usually transitions out. We don't see this transition to be an exception, so I guess that's likely.

Q: I promise I won't ask you about the consoles, but with COD's acceleration in December, does it have anything to do with the multiplayer component over single player?

A: We're not any more focused on multiplayer compared to previous iterations. We delivered an exceptional multiplayer game and DLC and great content drives our results the most.

Q: Where are you on Call of Duty China? You said last year you expected to launch in first half of 2013. Do you still expect to launch this year?

A: We don't have anything specific to announce. There are a lot of things beyond our control on this project, such as working with a partner and government regulations.

Q: Talk about discussions with retailers re: Skylanders and new competition in the market, and shooter business re: Bungie's project vs COD. Would you launch both in same time period?

A: Response from retail is any indication, we expect to increase our retail presence, not decrease. We take every competitor seriously, but Skylander's a proven force. As for Bungie, we'll share more when we're ready.

Q: Let us know what steps need to be taken before COD Online can be released in China? ...and Skylanders, what is the attach rate with toys and games? ...and your acquisition philosophy/strategy?

A: Beta testing, refining, government approval. Tencent are driving the ship through those things. With Skylanders, we don't break down. It's a great business. As just a toy business, it's very strong — stronger than Star Wars and Transformers combined. And we can't comment on any acquisitions.

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