Today in the Community Theater, we’re live-streaming PlayStation Meeting 2013 straight from New York City to your PS3 via PlayStation Home, starting at 3pm Pacific / 6pm Eastern.
*Note: The stream will start no earlier than the times listed above, so arrive promptly. If you arrive and no stream is running, simply reset the video stream by walking out into the Theater Lobby, then re-enter the Community Theater (theater 1).
As for this week’s slew of new goodies, highlights include some superpower locomotions from Lockwood and selection of new Billabong fashions as early-access for members of exclusive nightclub x7. Granzella releases new weapons for the Setsubun Ogre Extermination, and Heavy Water has released the kraken, errr…Dragons, as rideable mounts (active items for your personal space) and companions.
HellFire Games – Free Test Drive Week PromotionDrive for free in Home Tycoon during Hellfire’s Free Test Drive Week promotion! From Feb. 18 to Feb. 24, all players get the Basic Car unlocked for free to cruise around in any city, any time. No Gold Coins required!
The crimson Demon Samurai Armor is dedicated to those who hunt ogres. This armor variant has boasts an overwhelming defense against the ogres and also increases your attack power.
Also, the War Lance, Halberd, and Weathercock Halberd have arrived. Participating in Operation: Defend Edo with one of these weapons you can do a lot of damage to ogres. Additionally, you’ll earn 1.35 times the usual Ogre Extermination Points towards your ranking!
Hoops LocomotionsSpin the hoop around and vigorously shake your hips. When you use the hoop, it will keep spinning around your waist. 5 variations are available, white, blue, green, yellow, and red.
Gothic Lolita
The chic Gothic Lolita fashion has arrived. Grown-up, chic, with elegant design, available in black and white. This 7-piece set includes a Lace Headdress (large and small), Chic Goth Loli Dress (with or without tights), Strapped High Heel Pumps (with or without tights), and a hairstyle. Black includes the Ringlet Hairstyle, and white includes the Long Bob Hairstyle.
In addition, perfect for the gothic lolita fashion, the locomotion item Chic Goth Loli Parasol has arrived. When you use this, you’ll be able to float in the air. An umbrella stand furniture item is included in the set.
Heavy Water – Dragon of HexalonThe famed Dragon of Hexalon has friends, and they are all available to have as pets or ride around your personal space with! There are the four elemental types: Fire, Ice, Lightning and Earth. You can buy these separately or purchase the Bundle Pack to receive the extra special and shy Garden Variety Dragon! He’s a lovely shade of green, and his Breath Attack in the Dragon Rider Active Item is a burst of flowers! There is a Companions Bundle Pack and a Dragon Riders Bundle Pack.
The ultra-rare Golden Drake has also been tamed and made available to the citizens of Avalon. The Golden Dragon comes as a bundle. It includes a sparkling and gorgeous Golden Dragon Companion, the Golden Dragon Rider active item, and a Golden Dragon Statue! The thing that makes the Golden Dragon so rare is it can use all 5 breath attacks when it is being ridden around your private spaces! Owning the Golden Dragon Bundle will allow you to ride a Golden Dragon in the Public Hexalon Village as well! Though that Golden dragon still only knows how to shoot fireballs.
Digital Leisure has a new reward at their Casino! When you manage to reach Tier 6 in all of the games you’ll be in paradise with your very own Elephant Outfit. It comes in three pieces so that the head, the gloves, and the rest can all be worn separately.
A truly unique set of the full body outfits, the stick people outfits will stand out wherever you go. For sale individually or in one huge bundle with fifteen variations they offer great value and certainly look awesome.
This week VEEMEE brings more Age of Swords content to PlayStation Home in the form of three fantastic new medieval outfits and a Wolfhound companion. The Northern Princess outfit is perfect for wearing to a banquet, the Man At Arms outfit is a must have for heroic warriors and the Druid outfit is for those who like to commune with the spirit world.
As always, new games are invading PlayStation Home and I’m excited to be able to share a couple sneak peeks at one we have in store—Killer Plants from Outer Space!
Today, Wednesday February 20th, join us in the Community theater at 3:00pm Pacific / 6:00pm Eastern as we live-stream PlayStation Meeting 2013 straight from NYC to your living room.
Mall Update – The Virtual Item Showcase, Volume 76Magnus is back again, sharing with us all the hottest new items this week. Check out the video below for all the details. Enjoy this week’s Virtual Item Showcase.
See you in PlayStation Home!