Surprise? – Elder Scrolls Online Isn’t Meant For First-Person
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Feb 21 2013 10:00 GMT in The Elder Scrolls Online
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I can’t say I’m particularly shocked by this news, but that doesn’t mean I’m not tremendously disappointed by it. In another entry on a snaking tapestry of departures from what makes Elder Scrolls, well, Elder Scrolls, TES Online won’t be doing your virtual eyeballs any favors. Yes, there will be a first-person viewpoint, but don’t expect any bells or whistles – or arms, legs, and torsos, for that matter. In fact, adventuring in first-person – taking in the sights and breathing in the chitinous wafts of a nearby Silt Strider – will put you at a distinct disadvantage.


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