Rumored 'Star Wars: First Assault' footage storms the web
Posted by Joystiq Mar 14 2013 23:30 GMT in Gaming News
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LucasArts never officially announced Star Wars: First Assault, but it was scheduled to launch this spring as a multiplayer shooter, according to Kotaku. First Assault is still in production, but it's caught up in a company-wide freeze following Disney's purchase of LucasFilm in September, according to reports.

And it looks something like this, Kotaku says. The website has two pieces of footage that it says are from First Assault, both cut from a trailer used internally late last year; the gameplay video shows action mostly in first-person, though there are a few scenes of third-person fighting. It's all in-game footage, including a few bugs and incomplete art, and it is an "older" version of the game, Kotaku says.

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